New Everton Stadium

Looking at the most recent drone videos - excellent updates, hat-tip to those responsible - are they recycling the brickwork from the old warehouses either side into material which is then being trucked around as a foundation for the fan plaza? Looks to be the case.
So we will be walking in across some of the old buildings previously on the site. Nice touch and good re-use of material on site, green credentials of the project ticked off.
Just a compilation of videos of us trying to get a corner past the first defender will do it
made them watch Everton games I bet

I can just picture it now:

Evil Villian "Do you like it when a team scores a goal from a corner kick, Mr Bond?"

James Bond "Of course. Who doesn't like seeing a pin point precise cross, met by a striker leaping like a salmon, bulleting the ball past a despairing keeper. The sound as the net bulges"

Evil Villian "Then prepare yourself Mr Bond. As Everton fail to get past the first defender time and time again"

James Bond "A premier league club? Ha, do your worst. There can't be more than a handful of those before it's trained out of them"

A few hours later....

James Bond "Oh god, please make it stop"

Evil Villian "Had enough already Mr Bond? Disappointing. We haven't even made it to the videos of them trying to find a team mate with a throw in. What about 1998 Mr Bond? Carl Tiler, Marc Hottigar, I could go on Mr Bond...."

James Bond "Noooooo....."

Come to Crosby,its Gods own country are last manager lived here Riche lives here ,the biggest blue in bootle lives here .The other place status are on the beach ,if you have kids the schools are great,you are 10 miles from Formby where Gerard lives ,and 5 miles of country forest park ,the only thing at this moment,when property comes up for it has gone in 2weeks good luck it would be great for you to join other blues here .
The people are very strange round them ways, very strange indeed.

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