Player Valuation: £30m
Have a word with myself? You posted a picture of a stadium with overlapping tiers and said there weren't any?
You're not responding to anything I've actually said except to accuse me of narcissism, because I mentioned a bit of my history/background on the subject, simple and easily verifiable facts.... how is that narcissistic? Again, an attempt at personal insult instead of addressing the points made. I've consistently said what my reservations where regards clarity about funding etc. Feel free to explain how the figures work apart from vague references or buzz words.
I know and have spoken to several people involved in the project from the start, including former colleagues and have also been in various meetings with the club.... Of course it has got great facilities. I have viewed the options, but surely that's the least we'd expect from a £550m-£750m spend. However, you don't need to exaggerate them as the "best in the country". There are only 20-22 boxes (the same as Bristol City's mainstand. Spurs have 80, Arsenal over 100 on there own dedicated tiers. LFC have 64 and that will expand, several relative minnows have 30-40 boxes) and less than half the total corporate capacity of several of our peer clubs. Being on the waterfront hasn't attracted any funding to the kitty thus far and has come at a premium cost with no enabling developments whatsoever. So mentioning the waterfront as commercial leverage appears to be almost meaningless at this point. As with transport, the key value adding factor is proximity to city centre (and an existing major development scheme) and even that is stretched, not necessarily the waterfront per se.
Hopefully, all that will take off at some point as the thing nears completion...... It has to, because at present it is entirely speculative and based only on "bank of daddy" economics. A daddy who appears to have lost his rich backer (who was going to meet shortfalls via naming rights). A daddy who several years into the project has been unable to secure any commercial funding and is now forced into going cap in hand to investors looking to make a killing (with FFP/profit and Sustainability concerns hanging over us)..... but let's not mention any of that because at least we're going to be on the "banks of the royal blue mersey"....! The worry is... after years of looking, none of the banks of Wall street seem that keen.
Yet again you're going on a waffle. Arsenal got rid of most of their boxes to make it like what we're doing.