New Everton Stadium

People are moaning because of the results on the pitch, if we were top of the league this would more or less be an irrelevance. Because it's doom and gloom people are firing off at all angles without much idea to what is really going on.

The team's performance has not been capped by the stadium, it's due to us spending badly and having a too high wages to income percentage. We have spent the last couple of years adjusting that but we are still yet to post on positive set of accounts or even a small loss. That tells us regardless of this situation we would still roughly be where we are struggling along on the pitch.

The stadium will look after itself once finished and we are in it, until then it was always going to be tight and that looks like it has finished off Moshiri without his backer. He did say they now have a fully funded stadium so it looks like 777 will start picking up the tab until the bank loan is sorted.
Doomsday according to many. Club is a mess but this worst case scenario narratives is boring
"If we were top of the league".....? Seriously? We are in danger of actually dropping out of that league, yet again....... as we have been almost throughout the build.

Yes, much of the initial financial mess was down to atrociously poor player recruitment/management etc.... . But we are now 18th in the net spend league for the past 5 years. The same money-no-object scattergun economics was then applied to the stadium project.

We have sold off most of our players of real value and massively reduced the wagebill, yet we are still having to get further high interest loans off shark investors to finish the stadium. I believe we were already paying over £34m per year on the interest on the last lot of loans alone. That's just been expanded. If the new owners are a essentially a leveraged buy out, then further debt will be loaded onto the club.... at which point any income uplift from the new stadium (if we still own it) could be completely swamped by those interest payments. Several years into the build and we still don't know what that projected income uplift will be.

Unless there are substantial new TV/Sponsorship or other windfalls in the pipeline, it's quite hard to see any operating margin.

As far as I can see, the only real hope is that Moshiri takes a massive hit, to minimise that debt and that the new owners pass the club on to real wealth asap, but whichever way you look at the process, it has been a highly speculative gamble on the club's whole future.

Totally overblown the point about being top of the league there, I said if we were somehow top of the league, not we should be.

Net spend is totally different from money coming in to money going out, you are aware of a thing called wages right? Yes we have culled massively in the last few years but our income has been reduced by about 40 million too. Go figure.

I suggest you also wait to see what the terms of the sale are before going all weak at the knees.
Totally overblown the point about being top of the league there, I said if we were somehow top of the league, not we should be.

Net spend is totally different from money coming in to money going out, you are aware of a thing called wages right? Yes we have culled massively in the last few years but our income has been reduced by about 40 million too. Go figure.

I suggest you also wait to see what the terms of the sale are before going all weak at the knees.

You're the one who mentioned being top of the league..... i merely pointed out the irony and misplaced false premise, considering our sustained near bottom of league state.

Yes on wages we're 10th and 9th in that league for the past 2 yrs. Combined with a massive drop in net spend over the past 5 yrs.

I suggest you wait to see the cost of the debt against an accurate projected income before declaring that the stadium will look after itself.

As an aside from the Arsenal result I just wanted to say a few words about our lack of after-match transport and hope it will be better at BMD ,it could hardly be worse. I walked at full time across to Walton Lane for the 919 to town . Usually there are 3 or 4 buses and the jobsworth stewards make each one fill up before opening the doors on the next one .They all fill up anyway so whats the difference ? This time there was only one bus and a huge queue with many noisy away fans . Jobsworth said the other buses are coming back - I know that lad but the traffic isn't moving at all ! Could be 40 minutes wait . Decided to walk over to County Road and faced the same problem of full buses and a long wait in the rain . Could have walked to Kirkdale but it's only a 30 minute service on Sundays.

On the plus side got chatting to some guys from near Warrington who travel home and away then a voice piped up ' can you help me get a bus , I'm from Nashville ,Tennessee '. He can't have been impressed with the transport arrangements any more than the game ! On the packed bus ride I noticed quite a few fans with bags from the club shop even on such a day. Our support is amazing ,especially the younger end.

Back to the transport issue though and I wonder how much thought has been put into this by the authorities ? I guess they are banking on a lot of fans being able to walk from BMD to town and this is likely to be quicker than waiting for a bus or train .
:rant:Rant over .
People need to take a step back and ask themselves what benefit would an owner have to sell the stadium and what benefit would it be to someone who wants to buy it.

Taking the first part, what are the benefits of selling it on? Someone pays 500 or so million to 777, that does sound good and gives them a cash boost, however by selling it off they've just knocked off the same value or likely more from Everton. If they've got the club for the amount touted around it's possible they could flip us for that amount as soon as we are in if they are looking at that kind of quick profits. Secondly Everton would have to pay more to rent than loan and lose additional benefits of the stadium further devaluing the club and making it harder to compete which will further devalue the club. If you have a business in rude financial health and playing well then they have better chances of bigger returns.

The second part to this is even more crucial, who would buy a stadium for 500 million with only one natural tenant and has several other large stadiums on its doorstep? If the stadium had a roof and could become the central concert venue for the area then there would be something in it. If it was able to transform like Spurs' stadium to allow a gig midweek before a match at the weekend would be another. If it was in the Midlands and had good transport links might yet be another factor in it's favour to make it worth while for a buyer. Basically anyone who did buy it wouldn't see a penny of profit for 20 years and that's if they have the cash ready and not have to borrow it from another 3rd party.

Using Coventry as an example they sold the stadium for 17m, if you have clauses to have some of the naming rights cash as the operator and you arrange some concerts and other events then you can quite quickly get a return for your money with a much smaller risk factor. Much harder to do that with a 750m, 53k super stadium.

So imho we would only be able to sell it for way less than what it cost to build which then has to go on to the scales of is it worth it? As long as who owns Everton can facilitate a bank loan or similar then the club pay for the stadium anyhow and the owners can take dividends from profits it makes.
so if the stadium is sold, stay at goodison and leave the landlord with no tennant, simples

As an aside from the Arsenal result I just wanted to say a few words about our lack of after-match transport and hope it will be better at BMD ,it could hardly be worse. I walked at full time across to Walton Lane for the 919 to town . Usually there are 3 or 4 buses and the jobsworth stewards make each one fill up before opening the doors on the next one .They all fill up anyway so whats the difference ? This time there was only one bus and a huge queue with many noisy away fans . Jobsworth said the other buses are coming back - I know that lad but the traffic isn't moving at all ! Could be 40 minutes wait . Decided to walk over to County Road and faced the same problem of full buses and a long wait in the rain . Could have walked to Kirkdale but it's only a 30 minute service on Sundays.

On the plus side got chatting to some guys from near Warrington who travel home and away then a voice piped up ' can you help me get a bus , I'm from Nashville ,Tennessee '. He can't have been impressed with the transport arrangements any more than the game ! On the packed bus ride I noticed quite a few fans with bags from the club shop even on such a day. Our support is amazing ,especially the younger end.

Back to the transport issue though and I wonder how much thought has been put into this by the authorities ? I guess they are banking on a lot of fans being able to walk from BMD to town and this is likely to be quicker than waiting for a bus or train .
:rant:Rant over .

A lot of good points there. Why don't they let the bus fill up get them moving and have conductors to sell tickets on board? Everyone is going from point A to point B. Why make people queue?

On a more general note, some people would have you believe that public transport to GP is the bee's knees but it ain't. Just having Sandhills on your doorstep will improve things no end as all 3 parts of the Northern line stop there including Hunts Cross to Southport. At the moment we've only got the Kirkby and Ormskirk trains at Kirkdale.

The demand for more public transport should be met by Soccerbuses from various parts of the city centre IMHO.
It really needs someone who loves Everton involved in these torrid negotiations. We seem to be just a commodity in a battle based on greed.
I'd love to have one crafty headworking Evertonian in the talks hell bent on keeping Everton in charge of its own destiny.

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