New Everton Stadium

That's 2/3rds the pace of Olympic Speed walkers.
Go you.

I've just checked it was basically 16:


That was to princes dock car park. I do walk quickly but I wouldn't say I was hammering it. Took me 24 going the other way but I was stopping for photo opportunities.

Another defeat at GP. I'm starting to hate the place. Really fed up of Goodison. Should we move now? Put a football pitch down and allow 2,000 fans in with a hard hat? Fortress Goodison? My asre.

"Level of scepticism".... ? You mean basic logistical facts? A waterfront stadium will always have less accessibility than an inland one. This can be overcome if it is right in the city centre, where all public transport is concentrated and everyone can leave their cars at home. BMD is not in the city centre, but is just within that maximum walking envelope. Shuttle services can bridge that gap, but only if the few roads serving the site aren't congested.

"It's all been accounted for".... ? Like the finances were? The transport plan is pretty sketchy tbh, but states quite clearly that there will need to be at least reversal in proportions of public/private transport. Currently it's 40:60 at GP, which has far more bus services within a short walking distance, two thirds the number of trains and many times the number of available road lanes available in all directions.

The transport plan is basically Sandhills for those who live near a Northern/Wirral line station and shank's pony from town.... and a reliance on far more people leaving their cars at home.

Yes and pessimism too.

This thread should be full of excitement and facts not you basically having a massive tantrum because we didn't stay at goodison or whatever your agenda is.

And yes the finance for the stadium has been sorted, it was never in doubt, a few contingencies where available but like that esk you're wired to seek relevance by questioning everything and waiting to pounce on any misdemeanour; on what is the biggest private project in the UK - and an amazing opportunity for the north of the city.

Please don't mention the dispersal rate at goodison again, it's actually quite weird.
Yes and pessimism too.

This thread should be full of excitement and facts not you basically having a massive tantrum because we didn't stay at goodison or whatever your agenda is.

And yes the finance for the stadium has been sorted, it was never in doubt, a few contingencies where available but like that esk you're wired to seek relevance by questioning everything and waiting to pounce on any misdemeanour; on what is the biggest private project in the UK - and an amazing opportunity for the north of the city.

Please don't mention the dispersal rate at goodison again, it's actually quite weird.

"Should be full of excitement"

Why don't you just ask mummy to put the cartoons on. What kind of utter nonsense statement is that? The club is up to its eyes in debt, has had a fire sale of players and now the club itself, but at least you're excited? The stadium project is not a placebo..... it's probably more like the "opium of the people's club" for some.

No tantrums or pessimism at all....yet again no mention of anything I've said about the transport (that several others have mentioned some concern about, have they all got an agenda?). Then the gem.... "the finances were never in any doubt".... really? You sure? The same finances that have failed to secure any loans from any financial institution since day one, and has meant the club has had to go in hock to shark investors at extortionate rates, incurring a P&S commission, the last 2-3 years of negative net spends keeping us in a relegation battle for the last 2 seasons and ultimately forcing a billionaire owner to jump ship two thirds into the build, selling us on the drip to the first carpet baggers he can find?

I'm down at BMD to see the progress regularly... I've had some reservations about the finances from the start as I've followed many new stadium projects for decades. Unfortunately, I think those concerns have been vindicated so far.
Another defeat at GP. I'm starting to hate the place. Really fed up of Goodison. Should we move now? Put a football pitch down and allow 2,000 fans in with a hard hat? Fortress Goodison? My asre.

How is it Goodison's fault that we've been in a fire sale of players for the past few years (and now the club itself)? Could it be anything to do with the massive debts we're being loaded with? What is the cause of that debt? Or is that just negative pessimism?

Comfortably the highest number of top flight games of ANY stadium in the country, but Goodison is the jinx? My royal blue arse! Keep taking the Placebo...

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