I haven't misunderstood anything.No mate, I'm afraid you've just completely misunderstood. I mean i'm not saying that i'm not bothered, i'm just saying that the vast majority of people aren't bothered. If you think there's going to be a huge backlash if we announce a gambling firm as a sponsor and a boycott and all that, then that's fine, but I am absolutely certain that you will be proved wrong. It's never bothered people to that extent before, I'm not sure what you think has happened in the last 2 years to change that.
You are stating your opinion of what the majority think.
What evidence I can find says that you're wrong.
This is the most recent survey I can find, drawn from football fans more widely:

Football fans believe there's too much gambling sponsorship in the game | Survation
11th October 2020 A Survation poll of football fans commissioned by the Coalition Against Gambling Ads finds supporter attitudes turning against the reliance of football...

I'm afraid it doesn't back up your opinion that 99% don't care.