So that's not going in different directions then!
Leicester and every other club in the league.So are West ham and Chelsea going in different directions now
What about Spurs and Utd
Stop chatting out of your hoop mate, You have finished above us twice in the last god knows how many years
Fact is your lot employed 2 good managers and we employed a relegated fraud who set us back a couple of years
Koeman's has obviously seen our plan and has dropped your lot like the second rate tin pot club you are
we were 1 place behind them last season,knocked them out the cup and refused to sell them our best defender,hardly nowhere near them!
Ha ha haWas it euro 96? He pulled Platt down in the box and the ref waved play on..
Graham Taylor going absolutely berserk on the side lines...
That was his famous 'do I not like orange...!' Line..
I'm not trying to say we're bigger than you but, most fans only remember the last season or two about Clubs that are not their own.
For god knows how many years you've been better in league terms then Man City and Chelsea but, the last 3 or 4 years you've been nowhere near them. You may or may not ever be again, no one knows. One thing I do know, no club will dominate this League forever!
So are West ham and Chelsea going in different directions now
What about Spurs and Utd
Stop chatting out of your hoop mate, You have finished above us twice in the last god knows how many years
Fact is your lot employed 2 good managers and we employed a relegated fraud who set us back a couple of years
Koeman's has obviously seen our plan and has dropped your lot like the second rate tin pot club you are
And it certainly won't be Southampton.Obviously mangers don't
In any one season anything can happing!
Dave?I'm sorry mate but that doesn't stack up. Over the last 3 years we have been to two semi finals (last year) been the last English club in Europe (season before) and got 72 points 2 years ago (enough to finish 2nd). This is hardly "going in the wrong direction". We have built up a very talented squad which is now younger than 3-4 years ago. What we had before was a manager at the helm who mismanaged them and underachieved. He has been removed now and I am sure whoever follows him on will do very well.
Hardly "separate directions". In the 4 years you site we have finished above you in half of them. We also boast the highest league finish, highest number of points and best performance in all cup competitions and European football within the time frame. This is hardy "travelling in opposite directions" and far from just arguing it we can point out it's simply untrue.
Southampton are a well run club too though. I like what you are doing there and I think with the right appointment you will remain in the top 10. I've got a soft spot for you and it has made me laugh seeing you outperform Liverpool the last couple of seasons!