Called him Im? ???really?Maybe that's why they've called Bobby in today, to tell him that we're exploring other options in the close season. Rather than him hearing it through the media etc.
Called him Im? ???really?Maybe that's why they've called Bobby in today, to tell him that we're exploring other options in the close season. Rather than him hearing it through the media etc.
Chat on here was that Bill and Moshy had summoned him to a meeting today.Called him Im? ???really?
WowChat on here was that Bill and Moshy had summoned him to a meeting today.
@The Esk can you confirm/deny if it's just you (on this forum) that knows the names of the 3 potential replacements? Or do other mods/posters know also?
I'm asking because you've stuck your neck out even though you didn't have to and i know what some people on here are like, if we get one of the three managers in then you say 'yes he was one of them', you're going to get some posters saying you knew nothing.
time to reassemble team rangnick, and by that I mean I might post in this threadRalf Rangnick written all over this mate..
Incompetent caretaker can destroy our season in that time. No thanks.Caretaker for twelve months then Arsenal Wenger.
Incompetent caretaker can destroy our season in that time. No thanks.
I'm never going to make that claim though mate but I appreciate your concern. The only reason for passing on information is to allow blues to understand what's going on at the club - I'm not really bothered whether a new manager is someone who I knew about or someone else as long as it was the right manager.
If you look back at the takeover, no-one knew the identity of Moshiri, I certainly didn't but I passed comment about the takeover and what was happening at the club in the months before.
Similar situation here, the key is that a new manager, and a suitable one at that, comes in, I'm not bothered about the identity or subsequently claiming credit for it, that's not what I'm here for.
Just sack him next Monday.Fair do's, Finners.
In that case, Mr. Martinez to remain for a further season, then Arsenal Wenger.