I am a firm believer in letting the courts decide so far we are all speculating , I think part of the issue with all this is reporting . journalists have a slant , it's natural but not just that having spoke to them one said to me "I can only report what's said , I can't say witness A lied his pants off" . The whole slant with the legs on, legs off issue there is absolutely no chance forensic experts have prepared detailed reports yet so both sides can basically say what they like . The rumours of the call from the rugby player has that been firmed up yet , have her friends been interviewed yet or the witness at the scene ? Have tests been carried out to see the evidence of the alleged shouting ? I'm saying probably no to all of it .
At the minute pistorious can say the drugs recovered are "testocomposutiim co-enzyme" , that's how it's been written in several newspapers , google it and the only mention it gets is being recovered at the pistorious scene. How about the fact that she clearly slept in the bed with her slippers putting her on a side of the bed where he'd have noticed she wasn't present as he passed . You see Oscar has an answer she did sleep there but they'd swopped sides because he had a sore shoulder .
I'm not saying he's guilty as I know how it feels to be accused of something I didn't do and a court saw that easily but at best Oscar has been a victim of frankly horrifically unfortunate set of circumstances . This is early days for everything it'll be judged by a full trial not by blokes on an Internet forum working on tweets from journos or being coloured by the opinions of reporters or articles .
Lets just say we all have opinions and there is nothing wrong with any of them but none of us really have a clue nor can we be certain of anything we are hearing reported . We are going to have to wait and see & personally I do find it fascinating .