Can we have a poll as to how well or poorly Niasse will do? Voting options are old players:
1. Daniel Amokachi - generally poor but gave us a few memorable bits of magic.
2. James Beattie - starts off very slow, becomes decent, then just when we think he is going to kick on, he regresses.
3. Alex Nyarko. Say no more. key-unt.
4. James McFadden - played constantly out of position on the wing, generally poor, looks decent when played upfront though.
5. Denis Straqualarsi - becomes a fans favourite despite, or for being, so [Poor language removed].
6. Andy Gray. Becomes a beast and a legend.
7. Per Kroldrup. Plays less than 10 games, is forgotten and is sold on for a nominal fee.
8. Preki.....what was that all about?
9. Ibn Tal.....cringe
10. Andy van the man.....too fat
11. Royston Drenthe......bellend
12. Ginola/Gazza/Blomquist.....retirement village signings
13. Lars Jacobsen....actually played in a Cup Final for us
14. Ian Wilson (there's one for the teenagers)