He could but like every docks project the world over it needs an iconic building or buildings to attract the attentionSorry mate just do not buy it. Usmanov is able to command vast resources way beyond our imaginations why wait for a football club to get a toe hold into the project. Surely he could just go straight to Peel Holdings.
In my city of Dublin you have the IFSC buildindvst one end , the 3 Arena ( formerly the point depot ) plus the convention centre and the Bord Gais theatre
These buildings set the tone and soon Google Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and dozens more companies had their European bases on the docks
The IFSC ( Irish Financial Services Centre ) is home to dozens of American banks and investment companies.
In Liverpool the new cruise ship terminal , the IOM terminal and an Iconic stadium will be the kickstart for the docks
Build it and they will come