Possible Director of Football

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No idea why anyone would want to appoint a Director of Football. Is it just a 21st century name for Chief Scout?
But undoubtedly much better paid and over-hyped of course.
My take is that they do all the negotiations / contracts / dealing with agents / arrange scouting / shmoozing etc. allowing the manager to get on with concentrating on the opposition / tactics / formation / coaching without all the faffy paperwork. I know which I'd prefer to do.
My take is that they do all the negotiations / contracts / dealing with agents / arrange scouting / shmoozing etc. allowing the manager to get on with concentrating on the opposition / tactics / formation / coaching without all the faffy paperwork. I know which I'd prefer to do.
Sounds like a glorified admin job then. Surely the manager decides what type of player he wants and then takes advice from the Chief Scout (sorry, Director of Football) on who is available. I would assume all financial decisions of any magnitude are still taken by the Board.

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