i go to one of the most conservative colleges in the US, washington and lee university, and i'm probably one of the most liberal people you'll ever meet, but it was great last night when myself and the few other liberals on campus broke out the champagne upon hearing CNN declare Obama president.
Btw, CNN did 2 polls, and showed the voting results for people who said that race was a factor in their decision, and those who said race wasn't a factor. the voting breakdown was nearly even for both of them, so I don't think race really changed anything (as many people voted for him because he's black as people voted against him because he's black).
the conservatives are right though, he's been given our support, but the status of america's problems hasn't changed in the least, and he has a lot of work ahead of him.
still, I look forward to, within the next few years:
- comprehensive health care reform (47 million americans don't have access to routine care, utterly disgusting)
- getting rid of the george bush tax cuts and closing some of the corporate tax loopholes (and Tx Bill, i'm sorry you're going to have to pay more in taxes, but if you make more than $250,000 a year, then i gotta say I envy you, and would guess that since you make 5 times the median income, you're probably not hurting all too badly right now like a lot of pople are)
- BRINGING THE TROOPS HOME: american involvement in the middle east has almost without exception produced worse outcomes in the future (dating back to the coup of iranian prime minister mossadegh under eisenhower), and I don't want american soldiers to continue to die just to spare us blushes.
- Hopefully some greater funding for alternative energy. One of my greatest fears about Barack Obama is that he doesn't seem as determined as McCain to end corn subsidies for Ethanol. Anyone with a background in environmental studies will tell you that corn is not a viable energy option alone, and that money is taking away from R&D into alternative energy. Obama was is in favor of cap and trade, I just hope he has the courage to institute it, knowing that it will drive gas prices up and probably hurt his popularity
- Closing, or at the very least, modifying policy related to Guantanmo Bay. It disturbs me that Americans have just accepted the horrors of guantanmo bay, and the fact that we've stood idly by gives creedence to some of those NWO conspiracy theories.
I have a lot of faith that Obama can get things done about all these issues, which are all very important to me, but only time will tell I suppose.
also, the possiblity of a 3/5ths majority in the senate is still alive, now that we won the oregon seat. Al Franken might pull out a win in the recount, and the runoff in georgia really is a toss up. It bothers me that Stevens was so widely supported in Alaska, the man is a convicted felon (and may be the first convicted felon elected to the US senate), and he might now be the only obstacle to full control