Or if they FA tried to, they would potentially put themselves in a position where they were liable for the decision.
If the season gets cancelled, 14 teams will need to decide what they do next. At this point, most of the suggestions are just hot air, and you will only begin to see where people stand once cancellation is accepted. I suspect you have a lot of clubs, who are still going along with the cancellation option and don't wish to kick up too much of a fuss until it's cancelled.
I felt they would kick it down the road again, and the main take out is they still want to finish the season. I always felt mid to late May would be when it began to sink in and decisions would be given, and I'll stick to that.
What this also reads like to me, if the FA potentially absolving itself from litigation, either from Liverpool or from clubs in the EFL who may have said they weren't strong enough with the PL. It is a very odd stance though, to say you can't cancel, yet they have cancelled every league from tier 5 downwards.