Your point on too many games in a 20 team league is a moot one mate - if they get an 18 team league, they have already said that they will have more "lucrative" preseason tours on foreign fields like Asia and the Americas, so they can fleece their telly clapping fanbases even further with pointless tourneys with nothing at stake but how much replica club tat they can flog, and play even more games?!
Why should the league format change or the League cup be lashed in the bin, just to accommodate that load of codswallop?!
It's a carve up pure and simple - the so called big 6 want to close the shop and keep theirs, and only their snouts in the swill, none for us and the rest, and to effectively try and hold the EFL ransom with the bail out money on the back of this, makes me sick to my stomach.
I guarantee that they will vote out our special status as soon as they are able, and we will be in the same sinking ship as every other club. Everton should have absolutely bugger all to do with this travesty. Any way you slice this, it's rotten.