They can have them.The lad just wants the Malvinas back.
Messi & Tevez should cover it.
They can have them.The lad just wants the Malvinas back.
Think the majority are Turks now judging by the replies to all the Evs tweets
Imagine Sams face when he finds out.
Cenk needs to up his Northern Cyprus game on twitter.
I hope he plays in the derby now, smashes one in and reveals a t-shirt with "That's for the lads from the Belgrano" on it.
Stanley only had one pub when I was there (The upland goose) and we were barred from it.I dunno, had some great nights in the Vic
Lol at anyone genuinely upset that an Argentine national believes the malvinas belong to Argentina.
Can we have this thread reopened please?
@roydo @Connor @Joey66