Funny that - all the armchair warrior nobheads kicking off over this whilst anyone who has ever served in the military and actually been there couldn’t give a flying one.
All the lads i know who have served there call it a depressing hole.
Funny that - all the armchair warrior nobheads kicking off over this whilst anyone who has ever served in the military and actually been there couldn’t give a flying one.
Probably a ploy to get a move no joke lol
If it was just about the fallen mate, fair enough, but considering where he plys his trade, it was poorly judged/worded I think.
It cost both sides ordinary peoples lives, not the the politicians who sent them unfortunately.
I personally think they have no place when paying respects to fallen servicemen and women of All sides, particularly when politics are partly responsible for the deathsWhat's wrong with politically motivated statements?
I understand the context mate.
He's an Argentine who believes the island is theirs - just like many of his countrymen. His countrymen were slaughtered in battle over something they believe is theirs.
He's respecting the fallen - as people do in this country.
It is mate. It’s alright if you like penguins.All the lads i know who have served there call it a depressing hole.
But its not theirs, its DEFO not ours, but its certainly not theirs, but we "won the war" so they can just pipe down, dont see Russia giving Ukraine back do ya.
Imagine Sams face when he finds out.
You can pay your respects without being political and disrespecting the country that allows you to earn a living
Have you seen Ukrainian women, would you want to give it backBut its not theirs, its DEFO not ours, but its certainly not theirs, but we "won the war" so they can just pipe down, dont see Russia giving Ukraine back do ya.
Fair enough you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that.
In the same manner I think it's disgusting how James McLean cherry picks a minority of people as an excuse to refuse to wear a poppy. I find that insulting to all the Irish that fought alongside allied forces in both world wars
The lad just wants the Malvinas back.