I know a woman from Wigan through work, knows Martinez and his wife very well (she runs a business they use) and she says he is the nicest man you will ever meet! Extremely pleasant, passionate about his family and his job and absolutely dedicated to the barca ideal! He sees things very much in terms of if you dont aspire be Barcelona, what is the point? If you dont want to play the perfect style of football, why even step onto the pitch! That (she says) is the man in a nutshell, he is above all things a true romantic.
Therein lies his (and our) major problem, when Barca arent quite on the money, it doesn't matter because they will win 6:0 in the next game, we do not, nor did Wigan. So it would appear he is not stubborn or stupid, but totally true to his footballing ideology. However, if his vision of sublime football doesnt materialise, as it hasnt been this season, then he wont do anything else because he sees any other style of football as offensive. I know lots of gunners fans who are so demoralised by Wengers absolute dedication to his footballing ideology, despite the fact it has been falling short for the past five years or so, certainly in terms of the league (and these lads are not satisfied with getting top four each year, they want to win the league)!