Roberto Martinez discussion

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Agree with this. It's good to see a peice from the other sdide of the argument but a bit of credibility was lost when I read Michael Laudrup.

I really don't see it as 'make or break'. Simply because he will not be sacked no matter what happens this season. We're not going down. We're not getting top 4. We are literally in the middle.

I don't get some expectations. But to be fair I don't fully know where I expect Everton to be.
I suppose the general guide would appear to be associated with turnover, of which EFC's is depressed due to some of the deals entered into. I therefore suggest top 8 would be where we should finish. What I don't understand is the argument that 6th or 11th is the same and a cup win would be better. Not you I know, but 5/6 places is a decent striker salary, a league cup or FA cup is a bit more to dust. Don't get me wrong I will come out of Wembley hoarse
"Martinez has a lot of support because of the brand of football that he plays, and that is with good reason; Everton are exciting to watch. But he gets an easy ride because of it."

I hadn't noticed Martinez getting an 'easy ride' from any quarter. Maybe he missed the hooligans daubing their scrawl over Goodison last year, or the constant jibes in the press, or the weekly referendums on his tenure.

He wants 'balance' then fails to offer it in his analysis. Strange.

The list of managers: either flops in the PL already, has beens, or crazily out of reach.

There are extremes in both cases. Some people are so supportive of the manager that you get the feeling they are more of a Martinez fan than an Everton fan. No one on here would complain or be bitter if Martinez won us a trophy. But some people will literally find loopholes in anything to try and blame anyone but the manager, when sometimes, he is to blame
The people who you believe are Martinez fans are Everton fans who have the patience and belief to give the manager time to build, but also understand there will be mistakes. They are not in this new breed of wanting things on a plate and feeling that we deserve to win cups and challenge for the Prem.
Over the years we have had various managers that have failed to deliver, but good Everton supporters are willing to give the man time and patience as good Evertonians understand if we do achieve something it will be with hard work and a team that works hard and gives everything.
In the Prem with all the money this new breed of supporter is very needy and very demanding to the point that expectations outstrip what is possible
I am all for constructive critiscm as debate is good..
But for people to say if we were winning they wouldn't have a go at RM is completely laughable, as this comment gives no movement for any type of failure or dips in results....all it proves is failure in any form is not acceptable

Make or Break for Martinez, by Liam Seaman


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Make or Break for Martinez

Yesterday, reports were emanating from California about a giant new planet discovered in our own solar system and of further signs of life on Mars (shout out to Bowie) that sent some news outlets into meltdown. After reading for a while, I began considering the implications that these new discoveries would have upon my already palpable levels of existential anguish, and it was at this point that my thoughts obviously turned back to Everton. Following the blues is a thankless task at times isn’t it? They really do make you wonder whether or not it’s all worth it. Alas, we’ve all caught the bug and we’re stuck with it; so let’s have a chat about the glaringly obvious problems that need addressing before someone (probably me) has an aneurysm in the Lower Gwladys.


As a pre-emptive measure, I must confess that for over a year now, since the defeat at home to Stoke on boxing day 2014 to be exact, I have been firmly rooted in the ‘Martinez out’ camp. So for those of you that won’t hear a word against our esteemed leader, I’d advise that you leave now. My level of distrust towards the manager has grown to such an extent that now not a day goes by when I fail to criticise him in some way when having a chat with a few mates. I’m actually surprised they still want to go for a pint with me before the game. I’ve even refused to sing songs that reference him in any way; a principle that I’ve stuck to (apart from one slip up away at Middlesbrough, but to be fair we drank so much on the way there that I can’t even remember the second half, so that one doesn’t count.)

However, whilst my level of pessimism may seem childish, some players in the Everton camp could do with adopting my stance. Jamie Carragher explained it best in a recent interview when he said, “attackers need to believe they are surrounded by geniuses, for even if a winger hasn’t made a cross all game, you still make the run, because this is the time he’s going to put it perfectly on your head. Defenders, on the other hand, have to assume they are surrounded by idiots, because then you are alert to the danger when that twerp of a full-back misses the tackle. Mourinho thought something similar; defenders had to be pessimists. It was the reason he sold David Luiz. Too optimistic, never thought anything could go wrong”.

That would be John Stones’ bio: ever the optimist. Defending isn’t complicated, it’s about balancing risk and reward; and this is something Stones needs to learn before he can step up into the ‘world class’ bracket of defenders. To the disbelief of some onlookers, I launched into a tirade during the Spurs game when he tried to turn Son inside out. Now, I agree that it’s great to watch him exude such confidence in an Everton shirt, but doing Cruyff turns on the edge of your own six yard box with a man on your back doesn’t make you a great defender, it makes you an idiot. Taking enormous risk for next to no reward is a recipe for disaster. It’s all about understanding the balance.

‘Balance’ is a characteristic that has also blighted Roberto Martinez’s managerial track thus far. Well known for extolling the virtues of expansive attacking play, he has seemed incapable of breeding a culture of defensive grit to back it up. The season his Wigan team was relegated they scored 47 goals, the same as Swansea; Swansea finished 9th in the league that season. Twice under Martinez’s supervision Wigan conceded 73 goals, in 2010 when they were the only team in Premier League history to remain in the division with such a poor defensive record, and three years later in 2013, when they were relegated. His idealism is admirable, as is his unwavering dedication to a philosophy of ‘perfect football’; but he has to start understanding that there is a dirty side to the game, where you sometimes just need to hit row Z. For example, if we were 1-0 up against the [Poor language removed] in the final few minutes of a cup final, I’d expect my manager to be screaming to get the ball into the corner, not doing the opposite. I’m not trying to say that we’re anything like Wigan and at risk of relegation by the way; I’m simply trying to show that the defensive resilience of Martinez’s first season (upon which a lot of Blues hang their hopes that he can turn the current plight around) seems to be more a remnant of the Moyes era, rather than Bobby becoming a defensive strategist. The evidence is close to irrefutable now, given that we look set to pass the 50 goals that we conceded last season. Idealism can only get you so far; sometimes you need a bit of pragmatism to get you over the line.


The topic of game management has been debated recently with Baines and Bobby both seemingly at loggerheads in their views after the Chelsea game. Baines admitted the players need to learn how to control a game better when we take a lead, and Bobby came out saying that the players’ game management shouldn’t be questioned, that instead we should be looking at the referee. In my opinion, officials’ decisions should never be used as an excuse; they’re the last refuge of a desperate man. Mourinho used to do it, even claiming there was a vendetta against his team in order to deflect from below-par performances. We got a lucky break in the City game, and an unlucky one at Chelsea. That happens. We should instead question how we lost a 2-goal lead in the space of 3 minutes, and then how we somehow lost 3 headers on the bounce in our own 18-yard box, leading up to their third goal. If we had defended properly, the linesman wouldn’t have even had a choice to make for the offside call.

Martinez has a lot of support because of the brand of football that he plays, and that is with good reason; Everton are exciting to watch. But he gets an easy ride because of it. People act as if he’s inventing the wheel at Everton; he isn’t, he’s running on a flat. Martin Keown recently gave an interview in which he spoke about Howard Kendall, saying, “Howard’s philosophy was focused on passing. Training was geared to the players having as many touches on the ball as possible”. We’ve had technically-minded coaches before, but Howard Kendall knew the importance of the defensive side of the game to the entire set up. You couldn’t say the same about the current manager whilst keeping a straight face. It’s easy to dismiss defensive frailty as a by-product of an attacking ideology, but that isn’t the case; the best teams, under the right leadership, can do both. We’re massively underperforming with the squad currently at our disposal, and I’ve not seen enough willingness from Roberto Martinez in analysing his own shortcomings, to show blind faith in his ability to continue leading our football club. 22 games in, and we’re yet to beat a team in the top half of the league. I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough, and something has to change.

This leads me on to my final point. Those of us who wish to see the back of Martinez are often (wrongly) criticised for not having any viable alternatives ready to come into the club. I’d like to put that point to rest, to say that there are a number of high-quality managers currently available, (some of whom are even free agents) who do not have ‘relegation with Wigan’ as the final entry on their CV.

  1. Marcelo Bielsa – Known as ‘El Loco’, or ‘The Madman’, for his no-bullshit approach to management. A maverick that inspired a generation of coaches, who Guardiola called the ‘best manager in the world’. During his time with the Argentina and Chile national teams, and with Athletic Bilbao, he played an attractive high-pressure 3-3-3-1 formation. Short and quick passing, and not allowing the opposition any time on the ball, would work very well in England if you could keep him happy.

  1. Walter Mazzarri – known for playing a fast-paced, counter-attacking 3-4-3 formation. Built upon a solid defence, he likes to play quick short passes out of the back to the creative midfielders or wingers. Again, would work well in England with the return of a few teams playing 2 up top.

  1. Jorge Sampaio – Most recently managed the Chilean national side during their impressive showing at the 2014 World Cup. Plays ‘Bielsista’ style football, much like Mauricio Pochettino, having studied under Marcelo Bielsa during his early years. Only a recent free agent, having resigned from Chile in the past couple of days.

  1. Frank Rijkaard – Possible the best known on this list. Been out of management since leaving Saudi Arabia in 2013. Inspired the turn around of fortunes at Barcelona, who arguably wouldn’t be where they are today without him. A big name who some think we would be unable to attract, but if he’s offered the chance to work with some of the most exceptional young talent in Europe, he could be persuaded.

  1. Michael Laudrup – Exceptional player. Did well at Swansea before he lost the dressing room amidst talk of a move to Spurs. Plays a nice 4-3-3-possession game.

  1. Frank De Boer – Only manager on this list that is employed. Currently at Ajax, but has said he would be willing to leave if a move to England opens up. Similar to Laudrup, plays a 4-3-3 system, but focuses on fast counter-attacking rather than possession.

Right now is a real make-or-break moment in Roberto Martinez’s Everton career. He needs to prove that he can learn from past mistakes, if he is ever going to reclaim the confidence that a lot of fans have lost in him. A win against City would go a small way to proving that last season’s shocking second-leg performance against Kyiv was just a one-off. Fail to win, however, and the reality of our position in the bottom half of the table will really hit home. We need to prove to our talented youngsters that Everton is a place where they can actually achieve their dreams. In the next few weeks, Roberto will have to show that he’s the man to help them do so, before one of the men waiting in the wings steps in and does it in his place.

The post Make or Break for Martinez appeared first on GrandOldTeam.

The best thing I read on that @GrandOldTeam was:

Attackers need to believe that they are surrounded by geniuses like @davek and @The Esk

Defenders need to believe that they are surrounded by idiots like @MoutsGoat and @chicoazul

Or did I read it wrong?
I don't know what gave you that idea.

It certainly wasn't anything I ever posted hereabouts.


EFC aims to finish as high up the table as possible and has a go at winning a Cup....or two.

That sentiment is what the founding fathers of Everton Football Club believed in when they formed the club in The Everton Toffee Shop back in Queen Victoria's heyday.

It still holds good for me ;)

I cannot understand anyone not letting that be their yardstick.

But for the record......I would rather we finished 17th and lifted a Cup than finish 5th and not.

And I am confident that any Evertonian who has had the thrill of seeing Brian Labone, Kevin Ratcliffe and Dave Watson hoist a trophy aloft at Wembley would agree with me :)
Apologies. Confused you with bizzaro
The people who you believe are Martinez fans are Everton fans who have the patience and belief to give the manager time to build, but also understand there will be mistakes. They are not in this new breed of wanting things on a plate and feeling that we deserve to win cups and challenge for the Prem.
Over the years we have had various managers that have failed to deliver, but good Everton supporters are willing to give the man time and patience as good Evertonians understand if we do achieve something it will be with hard work and a team that works hard and gives everything.
In the Prem with all the money this new breed of supporter is very needy and very demanding to the point that expectations outstrip what is possible
I am all for constructive critiscm as debate is good..
But for people to say if we were winning they wouldn't have a go at RM is completely laughable, as this comment gives no movement for any type of failure or dips in results....all it proves is failure in any form is not acceptable
I've had a season ticket for 22 years mate, in which time we've won one cup, have had more final day escapes than top 4 finishes and have lost at home to tranmere the same amount of times as we've won at old Trafford. Give it a rest with the 'demanding instant success' drivel would you?

It's true that some people act as if Martinez cannot be blamed for anything. I find that baffling. Others seem to want to criticise him for the slightest little thing and I don't understand that either. Trying to lump everyone with a different view into the same bracket doesn't do anyone any favours really.

I've had a season ticket for 22 years mate, in which time we've won one cup, have had more final day escapes than top 4 finishes and have lost at home to tranmere the same amount of times as we've won at old Trafford. Give it a rest with the 'demanding instant success' drivel would you?

It's true that some people act as if Martinez cannot be blamed for anything. I find that baffling. Others seem to want to criticise him for the slightest little thing and I don't understand that either. Trying to lump everyone with a different view into the same bracket doesn't do anyone any favours really.
so you believe you should of had more
Surely after 22years the penny has dropped - we are not a great team and we don't have the finances to compete in the same way as a good few teams.
If you feel you deserve more maybe you need a reality check! We don't do instant success, any success we have has to be worked for and usually means over a period of time.

I am not sure we're this we deserve mentality comes from

And also if you read my post I mention constructive critiscm, so not going to defend RM at every corner....but it will be constructive as debate is good
so you believe you should of had more
Surely after 22years the penny has dropped - we are not a great team and we don't have the finances to compete in the same way as a good few teams.
If you feel you deserve more maybe you need a reality check! We don't do instant success, any success we have has to be worked for and usually means over a period of time.

I am not sure we're this we deserve mentality comes from

And also if you read my post I mention constructive critiscm, so not going to defend RM at every corner....but it will be constructive as debate is good
yeah mate, you've read that dead right, I think we deserve success and I demand it right now. *gives up
Just because we havent been good for a number of years doesn't mean we cant be again. Depends on the manager and owner etc and other variables which can change any time. keep the faith

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