There are Kopites who are far more polite about the ambition of our club than some of our own fans....... I fear the gloom of the '90's has set some peoples expectations so low.
There are Kopites who are far more polite about the ambition of our club than some of our own fans....... I fear the gloom of the '90's has set some peoples expectations so low.
Nah. I'd say we were challenging for Europe all of those seasons.
We were challenging for 4th this season up until December, but then the other teams realised how good they were and that was that.
Longest trophy drought in our history, mate. I don't care how many times we finish 5th or 6th if that keeps up.
Bingham and Lee had us 3rd and 4th and were hated because they didn't win trophies. What's changed?
You didn't get champions league for finishing 3rd or 4th back then that's why.
December? We went to white hart lane in April with an excellent chance of top 4.
Maddison are you mad mate?
Im sensing a fume right here.
You didn't get champions league for finishing 3rd or 4th back then that's why.
Didnt have CL then though! Totally different back then.
So you used to give Moyes pelters & yet you'd find midtable acceptable under Martinez? lol
p.s. No players have left mate
Everton don't do relegations, mate. We're far far too big a club to go down.