It was a great hat-trick without a doubt and his goals have been massive for the team since he's been here.
However, I have to side with
@Tubey on this one.
He has to learn to drop the ego and sacrifice himself for the team.
I don't think most footballers realise but the more of a team-player and contributor you are, the better you appear to suitors and fans alike as well as being even more respected by your team-mates.
Most footballers and sports people in general have an ego the size of a planet and can't grasp the concept of pure team play.
Scoring 20 goals and win the league or 35 goals and finish 5th? What would you rather him achieve?
Even he would have to go with the former. (I'd hope)
I think Koeman can help him in this regard. Countless medals as a player, playing for the best clubs in the world and despite being the highest scoring defender around, he didn't accept all the glory on his own. That came with the titles and trophies he won with the teams he was playing for.
He did it for the team and if he can instil this ethos into all our players, we could be a contender for honours.
It just so happens that his positioning for all 3 goals the other night was where he wanted the ball and where the ball could be played.
All too often he takes up positions where he wants the ball and not where it can be played to.
If he dropped the ego and ran into positions where the ball can be played rather than standing where he wants it played, he will score more goals and help his team-mates.
Obvious really when you think about it.
One more thing, the way he took the third goal was wonderful. Relaxed, calm and assured after having 2 goals under his belt already.
I'm not sure if he could have finished like that if it was still 0-0.
He needs to sort this out as well but that comes with experience.
I think this is what some people are saying about him anyway.
It's not negative.
In fact it is positive as we are saying he could be better, not that he is a poor player. Anyone saying that is talking nonsense.
Let's hope he becomes the complete team player as he will then be the world class performer he so hopes to be.
Perhaps Thierry Henry can put him right on this too. Raging ego but magnificent team player.
That's what I want from him.
(Plus 35 goals and a trophy if it's not too much to ask)