Lukaku's views on Trump and Clinton are a complete non-story. Your suggestion that we bin off the only striker we have, one of the best in the prem, because you don't like his political opinion is a good example of hyperventilating, virtue-signalling overreaction.
No, sorry but I think you are wrong on this one. For instance, many of the forum users are strongly against fee-paying education, but do you see any of them demanding we sell players who send their kids to fee-paying schools? Nope. Many forum users are furious that the rich in society can use expensive accountants to help them minimise their tax bills: you can be sure as eggs are eggs that prem footballers do it too, but do we demand that our players' finances are laid bare for all to see? Nope.
The political views of a footballer, provided they do not break laws in England, are not of any concern to me.