I'll bet any money that when Koeman leaves our club our average finishing position is higher than Martinez'
Anyone got the bottle to bet?
Stupid bet/statement, said in exaggeration for emphasis - but you knew that.
It's not what position you get at the end of the season - It's how you play getting there...it's about perceptions - you know this as well.
Martinez's 1st season (5th) was perceived as 'good'
His Ave. is 9th
Everton's life time average since 1888 is 9 point something
This makes Martinez average
But on the whole he is perceived as Poor.
Some might say that Moyes was perceived as average
Yet his average of 7.5 says he was better than that.
Using those sort of Averages as a method to gauge success at football is only...how shall I put it, oh yes - Average...
It's about Glory, about how you play, it's about Cups, it's about Vernon and Kay smoking cigars in the mainstand, It's about Kendall Ball and Harvey, It's about a slip at Oxford...It's even about Slippy's slip, that's got to be in there too. Bayern Munich, Rotterdam, It's about N Korea Vs Portugal in 1966.
What it isn't about is 'Kin Averages
*Calms - but you know that too.
Finishing 16th to 7th is not too difficult
6th is a bit harder
5th is a bit harder still
The real hard job is getting 4th
And the even harder job is staying there on a regular basis.
Mid term; at the end of 3 yrs watching this sort of football and only the 7th-ish trophy to show for it, Koeman might have a bit of convincing to do if...IF he is asked 'Do you think your contract should be extended?'...(whether he wants it to be only he will know that)
Long term, which nowadays I and many others, like it or not, take to be 4+yrs, that or the lack of it is what will determine where Koeman is by (in more ways than one) then.
meandered a bit but I got there in the end.