Ronald Koeman discussion

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This was my reaction on this thread to Koemans appointment.This post is from June 4th 2016.

And a post here from me on August 21 2016.

I had high hopes for Ronald Koeman but he failed me.
Same here mate. What a disastrous fall in only his second season. He did a lot right last season and did a good job studying the ship but Christ we are terrible this season. Genuinely never seen us be this bad for such a long run. Very little in these matched either to suggest the performances are going to turn the corner. Confidence is down. He needs to go before the next match.

Everton managers' Premier League record (after 47 games)
Win %
Roberto Martinez 51.06%
David Moyes 44.68%
Ronald Koeman 40.43%
Howard Kendall 38.30%
Joe Royle 34.04%
Walter Smith 34.04%

47 games why, when the last fella can only win in his first season. This ain’t subjective. This does not reflect the reality. I’ll do the maths again.

Moyes 173 wins out of 427 PL games = 40.52%
Martinez 43 wins out of 113 PL games = 38.05%
Koeman 19 wins out of 47 PL games = 40.43%
I'm gonna put my neck on the line and say give him the Leicester game. If we lose he goes, if he wins we keep him on. If he draws he goes.

Very lenient of me this but I think Leicester away will be fair to judge.

Burnley at home, an unknown Cyprus team at home, Lyon at home, Brighton away and yesterday match was the final straw.

...if a team plays 3 CBs your wing backs are proactive in the opposition top third. Look at how effective Alonso and Moses are at Chelsea, regularly getting behind the opposition full backs and creating. Compare that with Baines and Kenny yesterday who rarely crossed the half way line. The reality is we play with a back 5. It’s no real foundation to build a side on.

RKs post match interview was almost defeatist, like it’s only a matter of time before a team like Arsenal punish you when you’re down to 10, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Set your team up right and 10 men are difficult to break down. Watching the body language at the match gave me the impression that the managers lack of belief is impacting the players.

I wouldn’t want Moyes back but at least the players were drilled, everybody knew their jobs and the team was organised. Newcastle don’t have outstanding individuals but Benitez has got them organised, difficult to beat and they are picking up points. Similar with Silva at Watford.

I’m embarrassed how naively our team are organised. I am embarrassed how poorly they are being coached. I’m embarrassed with the lack of belief being installed.
West Ham reportedly given Bilic two games to save his job while our spineless board hide away and dont seem to realise whats going on!
He won’t turn the fans opinion around, it’s just dragging on and the inevitable will happen at some point, the sooner he goes the better for damage limitation.

If he stays til new year and we are out Europa, carabao or whatever cup and still bottom 6/7/8 and then they sack him then it is unforgivable.

I agree mate, i'm still furious that they didn't sack Martinez after the derby to give us a chance of winning the FA Cup.

...if a team plays 3 CBs your wing backs are proactive in the opposition top third. Look at how effective Alonso and Moses are at Chelsea, regularly getting behind the opposition full backs and creating. Compare that with Baines and Kenny yesterday who rarely crossed the half way line. The reality is we play with a back 5. It’s no real foundation to build a side on.

RKs post match interview was almost defeatist, like it’s only a matter of time before a team like Arsenal punish you when you’re down to 10, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Set your team up right and 10 men are difficult to break down. Watching the body language at the match gave me the impression that the managers lack of belief is impacting the players.

I wouldn’t want Moyes back but at least the players were drilled, everybody knew their jobs and the team was organised. Newcastle don’t have outstanding individuals but Benitez has got them organised, difficult to beat and they are picking up points. Similar with Silva at Watford.

I’m embarrassed how naively our team are organised. I am embarrassed how poorly they are being coached. I’m embarrassed with the lack of belief being installed.

"I'm embarrassed"

Negative football. I simply cant work out why hes dropped Cuco for Holgate (opposites) then suddenly put Kenny in the team when he wasn't included in squads.

Why drop Davies out of the team and why not play lookman who brings some pace...

"I'm embarrassed"

Negative football. I simply cant work out why hes dropped Cuco for Holgate (opposites) then suddenly put Kenny in the team when he wasn't included in squads.

Why drop Davies out of the team and why not play lookman who brings some pace...


..I think the answer is that he genuinely doesn’t know who to play and what system to play. That is amazing for a coach at this level. If he had a vision, if he had a strategy for the team you would accept that he was trying to achieve something but there is no indication this is the case.
Same here mate. What a disastrous fall in only his second season. He did a lot right last season and did a good job studying the ship but Christ we are terrible this season. Genuinely never seen us be this bad for such a long run. Very little in these matched either to suggest the performances are going to turn the corner. Confidence is down. He needs to go before the next match.
He did a lot weong last season also. Last season was bang average. I was of the opinion in the summer that his job should be on the line if there was no improvement but we have massively regressed.
Like people have said many times before....until he starts playing players in their natural positions he won't get anything from this team(I use the word team lightly) and we won't really stand a chance against any other teams no matter how poor we think those teams are.

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