That really isn't what's happening though is it?Just read the article and I have to say it's a truthful and accurate description of the situation at present. Let's not overreact every time someone suggests we're not the most successful club in the history of football because sadly, we aren't.
I honestly haven't seen a single person say that Koeman's comments weren't accurate, simply that there was no need for him to make them. The comments were brought to my attention by a Palace supporting colleague who said 'You seen this from Koeman? I'd be livid if that was Pardew about Benteke'. That's someone who openly admits that Palace are a championship club punching above their weight saying that he wouldn't be happy with those comments from the team's manager, so can we all stop pretending it is just touchy Everton fans bristling because we're not seen as a big club.
The article is a joke. It's based on a ridiculous premise - that there's no middle ground between a manager saying everything's great all the time, and another one saying that players should leave. It's like saying that you can't complain that the 'medium' steak you ordered was initially served blue and then came back like a lump of coal. The 'journalist' also mentions how the comments 'probably' came about. I mean, the interview is out the public domain for him to look at, but he's just decided to write an article without actually checking the facts beforehand.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't think this is a huge deal and I don't think the comments are unforgivable, but in my opinion they were unprofessional, unnecessary, and showed a lack of respect for his employers and their long suffering supporters. There's nothing wrong with fans being annoyed by that, in fact, if we ever reach a day when Everton fans aren't concerned at seeing the club talked down by our manager, we'll know that the soul of the club has finally died.