Ross Barkley

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They get shut of class and then they buy class. We sell class and buy a hopeful punt or promote a new player and if they're good enough they will be sold too.

So, if you thought that the proceeds from a Barkley sale would be used to sign some quality, you wouldn't be too upset?
Hopefully Koeman and the club stick to their word and transfer list him on May 22nd.

He's clearly not going to sign now, after very publicly dithering for months. Clearly he's got an agent in his ear, maybe he's been tapped up, but he's not committed to the club.

What's he gonna say if he does sign, "There really is no other club for me, it never crossed my mind to leave, I'm Everton through and through'?

Obviously none of that. Him signing now would make him look as big a fool as him actually leaving now.
Think this has got a bit to play out. Koemans news to us to day won't have been just sprung on Ross, he was just spelling out what the terms were when the contract was offered which would have been we are not willing to let you see your current contract out. I didn't see the presser but I presume he was asked the question about Ross rather than just sitting down and stating it. Ross and the club still have 9 days to sort this. A lot can happen in 9 days. I'm not worried until he actually refuses to sign or the club withdraw the offer. There's been nothing from either side to suggest anything is to worry about yet.

Think this has got a bit to play out. Koemans news to us to day won't have been just sprung on Ross, he was just spelling out what the terms were when the contract was offered which would have been we are not willing to let you see your current contract out. I didn't see the presser but I presume he was asked the question about Ross rather than just sitting down and stating it. Ross and the club still have 9 days to sort this. A lot can happen in 9 days. I'm not worried until he actually refuses to sign or the club withdraw the offer. There's been nothing from either side to suggest anything is to worry about yet.
Koeman comments about Ross having doubts otherwise he would have signed so gives the impression he thinks Ross won't sign and in that situation he says club will not hang around but will sell him. You are right though a lot can happen in 9 days.
Those examples are ridiculous. Those clubs player trade from the top deck of the pack. They get shut of class and then they buy class. We sell class and buy a hopeful punt or promote a new player and if they're good enough they will be sold too.

Please dont compare our seat of their pants operational plan with well financed and organised clubs. It's a joke.

Totally agree. The top clubs are in a different league to us in almost every regard.

I'm hoping that will change, though.
Why did spurs pay it for sissokko then

Firstly he had what 3 or 4 years left on his contract at Newcastlethe fact that RB only has 1 year left is key

Next his performances for France and particularly the 2014 WC were up there

But the irony is Spurs have admitted they paid way over the odds and will be looking to get rid of asap

If Ross is sold, Rom won't be.

There's no way that Mr Moshiri will want to be the man who sold Stones, Barkley and Rom in just over a year.

I suspect they will both leave in the summer but why blame Mr Moshiri surely no one will blame him for he isn't the owner, he's just a shareholder and come to that not even a director!

Surely that's a get out of jail card
I suspect they will both leave in the summer but why blame Mr Moshiri surely no one will blame him for he isn't the owner, he's just a shareholder and come to that not even a director!

Surely that's a get out of jail card

Why should we blame him? He wasnt here during two utter gash years of Martinez that clearly set us back a lot.
In all honesty i see people upset about our only creative player etc and top quality players being sold. What have the club achieved though with these so called star players in the team. Sweet FA that's what. Why are we so worried about these players going? When has Ross played in a really important match and bossed the best players around?? I cannot think of one instance when he has played against a top six side and been the stand-out player on the pitch? He maybe has a few good games against the lesser sides but other than that, the 'star' player has not been anywhere near what i would expect from a player who is so highly regarded. If he is taken out of the team are we really that much worse off? I'm not talking about his potential, i am talking about his actual performances over the last couple of years and i'm sorry to say they have fallen well below what i would expect from the shining light of English football, as he was being banded about as not so long ago.

If he signs all well and good, if he goes, is it really that big of a deal? Not for me, i would think that Walsh and Koeman can find players to fit in and do what Ross currently does and better.
Not a big deal if Ross leaves. To many seasons of 'maybe he will step up ' He hasn't really ! A few decent games this last few months but overall for me not good enough. Think Ron see's the same . If we want to be top 4 we need someone who does it every week. ...

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