Ross Barkley

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On that basis would you say Guaye or schneiderlin were poor signings? The scenario with Barkley is unfortunate but a very clear message from Koeman that he is charge not the player similar approach to Alex fergusan on many occasions at United.
Koeman and Alex Ferguson in the same sentence. No, just no.
What's ridiculous is your continued bagging on our approach like it's the same approach we've used in the past. It's a different club. It's a different owner. He's actually a sound businessman.

You also don't have a single example of us selling class and buying a hopeful punt. Now if they don't turn around and spend money on class this summer, fine. Your arguments have merit.

And please also stop lumping in Stones with Ross and Rom. Stones never was nor will he ever be that good. His sale was a no-brainer.

It's fair to be concerned that Ross or Rom are moving on. But Ross not signing a new deal only matters if we can't get value for him and turn it around and replace him.
Go on what's done, not what's said is going to be done.

Moshiri: one season here and a smaller net spend than the last two seasons under Kenwright.

An inconvenient truth.

Talks a good talk.

Nets spend total this summer: all eyes on that to confirm suspicions this is all smoke and mirrors.
Go to Spurs, Ross, and sit on the bench because you're not getting into that side ahead of deli Ali or eriksson.

Gotta get round the table to negotiate and both parties must ideally want the same objective and meet in the middle.

When one party isn't currently getting round the table it's hard to do a deal.
What exactly have you heard any figures? what's the problem why is only one party at the table?
assume that's the club
Playing a risky game is Ross, imagine if Spurs get cold feet, or can't agree a fee. He'll be getting flogged to someone cack like Newcastle.
"Welcome to Geordie Land Ross!"

Get used to it,Evertonians..this is what it means having a manager who really manages. Even money a replacement / improvement for Barkley is already identified.
Tend to think similar to this mate...Trust Koeman all the way on this one...if he goes he goes...yes shame if he does..we move on..Only an opinion but reckon Koeman doesnt rate him as highly as the clown who blew smoke up his ring for 2/3 years and took him backwards...Koeman has certainly added more to his all around game....not sure what all the celebration after scoring the other week and jumping on gladdy wall was all about?
Kinda bored by it all...if your staying say you are.. if your not ditto...

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