Ross Barkley

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Go on what's done, not what's said is going to be done.

Moshiri: one season here and a smaller net spend than the last two seasons under Kenwright.

An inconvenient truth.

Talks a good talk.

Nets spend total this summer: all eyes on that to confirm suspicions this is all smoke and mirrors.
He's cleared the club's £80m debt.

He's ensured that any money we make from player sales gets reinvested back into the squad. That wasn't entirely the case before.
Koeman is absolutely 100% correct here...

“I had a short meeting with Bill (Kenwright) last Tuesday evening, and we spoke about the situation with Ross,” said the Everton boss.

“I think it’s his responsibility and the responsibility also of his agent to say yes or no because that’s what the club needs to know because we can’t wait until the last moment, it’s not good for the player and it’s not good for the club.

“The manager will continue even without Ross. I need to talk more with the chairman and the board of the club and I will do that after the weekend.

“We have offered him a contract, they had several meetings about a new contract and this is contract, we don’t go and go and go.

“This is what he needs to sign if he wants to stay.

“He is working well, he is training well, he is doing his best but maybe the time he still needs to give the club the right answer is in my opinion a long time and that maybe is about that he has doubts about to stay, I don’t know.

“I don’t like to make this a big issue, but we need – it’s more than like – we need to know before the end of the season.

“I’ve mentioned in the last two weeks that we need to improve in our offensive part, and that’s the main thing for the team – to have more productivity in the team,” he said.

“We have one striker who has scored 24 goals, and after that defenders and Ross on three or four goals. We need more players from midfield offensively to give us that productivity and that’s what we try to find.

“If Ross stays yes or no, we will still scout in that position.”

Anybody saying otherwise is being ridiculous.

He's handled this well, just as he did earlier in the season when Ross was 'dropped'.

Ross isn't really to blame, but now the time has come that a decision has to be made and there's nothing wrong with applying that pressure.
Anyone think he's dragging out the contract til the end of the season so he doesn't have to face the fans if he turns around and refuses to sign a new deal? I can imagine him being the type of player to hate getting pelters in which he knows he would get especially against Watford at home if he had turned around this week and stated he wants to leave.

He's definitely off imo.

I have thought that myself, all that climbing up on the barrier the other week was a bit OTT, I think he wants to go but dosent want to feel the wrath when he comes back, even thou he must be use to it by now anyway!!

Yeah you could be right, I get the impression he wants to leave and the club dont care a jot if he dose but no one wants to look bad, lets be honest with Tom Davies no coming through as the local lad, and if we sign a few good players early in the window he will soon be forgot about
That's my view on it too. But others are suggesting different

People are delusional though. They see what they want to see.

Loads of people were convinced Lukaku was going to sign despite his agent saying it was 99.9% done for months, which should have made the alarm bells start ringing.

Ross either thinks we're not offering him what he's worth or thinks he's better than he really is.

I think Ross is a good player but I don't think he's consistent enough and I think he'll struggle to force his way in to one of the top 6 teams if he does go.

I think we'll keep Lukaku for one more season and sell Ross. I think Ross knows what team he wants to go to already. It'll just be a case of negotiating a fee imo. The only reason Ross hasn't said he wants to go is he doesn't want to come across as disloyal. He'll probably try making out that he's being forced out of the club.

Gotta get round the table to negotiate and both parties must ideally want the same objective and meet in the middle.

When one party isn't currently getting round the table it's hard to do a deal.

Koeman: "We offered him a contract, they had several meetings about a new contract and this is the contract. We don’t go and go and go. This is what he needs to sign if he likes to stay.”

Sounds like they have had meetings.

There is no blame game, all parties are trying do do what is best for them. However, the decision is ultimately down to Ross. He must know exactly what he wants.

Does he want to stay at Everton? If so he needs to actually have an input into his future and tell his agent to get the deal done. If he wants to leave then he needs to tell the club he wants a new challenge and all parties can move forward.
I'll be gutted if we lose Barkley after losing Stones, two of the most enjoyable things about watching us for years IMO.

I'll be gutted doubly if him leaving is mostly down to Koeman who then ends up leaving us in a year or two.
I think Koeman has made it clear that there will be no pandering to ego's here.The contract is on the table take it or leave it.Everton has a bright future and we all want Ross to be a part of that.I would be disappointed if Ross is allowing any personal issues he has with Koeman preventing him from signing the contract.If Ross isn't enthusiastic about Everton's future and doesn't want to be a part of that.Then we drive on without him.I don't like saying that but it's how i feel.Koeman is a clinical sort of man.I think that can be off putting to some but Ross should think of Everton.Put his issues with Koeman aside and sign the contract.
I'll be gutted if we lose Barkley after losing Stones, two of the most enjoyable things about watching us for years IMO.

I'll be gutted doubly if him leaving is mostly down to Koeman who then ends up leaving us in a year or two.

Really, stones being a tit at the back while telling the fans to calm down because he being an idiot with the ball. Barkley always making the wrong decision, English players are way over rated.

Lukaku is the one I will be gutted over

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