lolTim if you carry on this fashion then I will have no qualms in transfer listing you.
lolTim if you carry on this fashion then I will have no qualms in transfer listing you.
Mirallas is. This is the facts and reality.
Not if we want to be top 5 he isn't.
It's like everyone has given up, lost inrerest and in holiday mode.1/5 you could have least photoshopped the 29/7/2014
It's absolutely being decisive. He's made the decision to let the fans know the current situation without sugar-coating it. He's not putting pressure on him to sign because he's openly said if Ross doesn't sign then that's fine, we will seek a replacement. Yeah Ross hasn't said he intends to leave but he hasn't said anything to the contrary either.
I love Ross and want him to stay. But I'm not blaming Koeman for being honest about the situation when he is asked about it every presser.
Tim if you carry on this fashion then I will have no qualms in transfer listing you.
Squad player not starter.
And no way Niasse and that crap forward should be mentioned in the same level as Mirallas.
Exactly, we need to get shutThe player is under absolutely no pressure whatsoever to make any sort of statement. He holds the aces here. Everton cant even sell him if he doesnt want to go.