As I said to Paxman at the time "I can't conjure up a global Utopia right now in this hotel room". Obviously that's not my job and it doesn't need to be, we have brilliant thinkers and organisations and no one needs to cook up an egalitarian Shangri-La on their todd; we can all do it together.
Brand has a point about 'The less privileged among us are already living in the apocalypse, the thousands of street sleepers in our country, the refugees and the exploited underclass across our planet daily confront what we would regard as the end of the world. No money, no home, no friends, no support, no hand of friendship reaching out, just acculturated and inculcated condemnation'.
The discussion that Brand has opened up has terrified those that rule the country. The younger generation that have not seen any great benefits from the system are engaging in such a debate and asking questions. It is debate/discussion/talk that can cause people to then want to change the things that are not quite right.