Seamus Coleman

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Pray he comes back from this, great person who does a lot for EITC.

My worry is, what player is he going to come back like?

Oviedo was never the same for us after his leg break.
Found this article from an Arsenal fan's point of view...
...They make some very good points.

Absolutely gutted as Seamus is one of the nicest footballers in an era full of big headed primadonnas.

That's a good find and they make some cracking points.

Neil Taylor may not have meant to break Colemans leg, but he certainly went in to leave his mark, the same with Bale. Both disgusting challenges

Double break and six months out (according to The Telegraph), but at least Joe Ledley (No 16) can see the funny side of it.

The ref is culpable in all this too imo.

Having watched the game last night, I honestly believe if the ref hadn't bottled it and sent off Bale for that shocker of a tackle moments before, Seamus would still be fit and well now

Shortly before Bale did his studs up leg breaker, the game had started getting nasty and I said to my mate, that someone was going to get sent off.

The ref lost control for a matter of minutes and that's all it took.

If he'd have sent Bale off there and then it would've immediately calmed the game down and Seamus would still be playing.

I'm not having it that Taylor didn't mean to hurt Seamus either. You could see it in his eyes, he'd lost it and wanted to hurt someone.

It was an assault, simple as that. He meant to hurt him and the reckless nature of the tackle meant that there was a very high probability that he'd cause a serious injury. It should be dealt with on that basis, not a mandatory three match international ban.

The punishment should fit the crime.

Seamus lives by us and you quite often see him out and about with his missus and baby. He's got time for everyone. It must do his missus head in, as he'll spend time taking to anyone. His poor missus will have to take the baby out in the pram by herself !
..I listened to the 2nd half on the radio, Kilbane immediately said "that's a baddun, that's a very baddun". Following it, Hartson was quite light hearted but he later said Taylor is a really good lad. I don't know what happened aftermatch but I would be very disappointed if Taylor hasn't at least tried to make contact and apologise.
Those sort of things normally come out in the statement. Its all too little too late in my view. The damage has been done. That article by the Arsenal fan is bang in in my view. I hope the punishment fits the crime but you just know it won't come close.

Hope he gets absolute pelters when (if, depends if anyone's stupid enough to play him) he returns to Goodison. No-one can sit there and say he didn't mean it. He's an absolute shambles of a footballer and a pathetic man.
Double fracture of the tibia. Any medical experts able to shed any light on the prognosis?

How long does it take to recover from a fractured tibia?
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, or AAOS, a fractured tibia takes from four to six months to heal and sometimes longer. The healing time varies depending on the type and severity of the fracture.

Taylor didn't mean to break his leg. I'm sure of that. But as a professional footballer he knew the possible consequences of challenging like that.

The little scrote has previous for flying in on fellow professionals.

Hopefully there is a championship player who saw that last night who is ready to 'protect' themselves from such thuggish behaviour and smashes Taylor instead.

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