I like all styles of football though. I like the English game, and the variety of it. That doesn't mean I don't like playing out from the back or whatever, i just appreciate it's not the only way to play.
So yes, I can like both thanks. If the current generation of football hipsters have their way, every single team in the country will be trying to play out from the back and our beloved Premier League will become more akin to the snooze-fest that is La Liga.. No thanks.
The style is anti football though. Its designed to have as little football played as possible.
Dyches Burnley regularly had the lowest amount of football played in them per 90 mins per season with regards to actual time with ball in play.
There was even talk about changing the rules because of a match between Cardiff v Burnley in 2018 that saw a recorded lowest amount of actual football played in a game.
In a massive up turn for Burnley though last season they recorded one of the highest times of ball in play along side Manchester city.
Unfortunately dyche wasnt managing Burnley, he was managing everton and guess where everton where on that list? Bottom three.
Imo dyche is a terrible manager who is in no way getting close to this squads full potential and has no intention/idea of doing so. He doesnt know how to improve teams he just drags other teams down to his level of survival "football". Hed have man city scrapping round the relegation zone if he was in charge because thats his level.
What does every opposition fan say after they've played us "I couldnt watch that ever week". His "style" activity ruins other fans enjoyment of the game because of his negativity.
I find it incredibly difficult to see anyone enjoying this style of football