Fan content is the worst thing that has ever happened to footy
Southern lampard apologist...probably a rs too.
Fan content is the worst thing that has ever happened to footy
I think what he meant is that is wasn't some pre-planned dance move that a couple of divas had worked on before the game. It was authentic in that it was just genuine spontaneous joy and emotion and the fact that all of the team responded in exactly the same way shows the unity in the squad. TBH, that's exactly how I want to see the team celebrating. Keep the dancing for friday nights.He really has turned things round and got us playing really well against tough opposition, he is doing a terrific job at this point.
I still can’t like him though. All that stuff about “authentic” celebrating and stuff. Let people do what they want, he’s so desperate to be seen as a real bloke that he’ll be moving into a cave and trying to club bears to death next.
How do I know until somebody puts up the old thread and we can check.Sir can I ask if this answer might include me please?
Are you saying 'let people do what they want' and also criticising Dyche supporting authenticity?
Yeah I can tell from when Ashley Young is definitely proving me wrong by being a fantastic player and a net positive for the team, good point.It might be hard for you to accept but perhaps he just happens to know more than you about his team. It's a crazy thought I'm sure since you must have great self importance.
That's never a quote from him, you'd need a page full of 'ha ha ha's to squeeze that much cogent dialogue out of him.
He really has turned things round and got us playing really well against tough opposition, he is doing a terrific job at this point.
I still can’t like him though. All that stuff about “authentic” celebrating and stuff. Let people do what they want, he’s so desperate to be seen as a real bloke that he’ll be moving into a cave and trying to club bears to death next.
Can we just put one thing to bed. When Sean Dyche moaned about players dancing after scoring, it was tongue in cheek. He was just playing up to his Brexit Billy persona for the cameras. It wouldn't take a world class body language expert to see that in the interview.
Fan content is the worst thing that has ever happened to footy