I could see him getting home sick over here like.
True dat. But there is so much "Americanisation" around to make him feel 'at home'. Skype, T.V Shows, food, friends, even re-runs of Rules of Engagement to see his ex-wife on. But, remember he's 30, not 17. He's a grown man who has a wise aged head on his shoulders. I know some 30 year olds who are still very child like. But Landon is a mature professional, he knows how to enjoy himself,he's not gonna be coping off with a Desperate Scouse Housewife any time soon.
Everton, it's an environment he knows and loves. If it was all new to him and he was still married to Bianca, it would be a whole different ball game. Coming to England and playing for a team like Everton is fulfilling a life time dream for him. We are in essence his pot of gold at the end of his playing career rainbow. Giving him the chance to ply his trade, in the best league in the World in a team that does not have expectations beyond it's capabilities. We know how good we are and what we can achieve..we are realists, unlike some we could mention.
Given the opportunity, Landon would be building a raft and trying to paddle his way over here right now in time for August 20th. But sadly, corporate red tape and some thing called a contract, either has to be honoured or wiggled out of , honourably.
Goodison Park is Landon's Field of Dreams..we've built it..He shall come