Average 6hrs, the odd time 7hrs, sometimes only 4 or 5The past few months I’ve been needing less and less sleep, don’t know if it’s an age thing as when I was younger I would sleep all day if I could, now, I get by on 5 or 6 hours a night… typically I go to bed about 2am and am up by 7am. Last night I was up til 2.15am and was wide awake 7 this morning, today I’ve been really busy and had loads to do, eventually getting a shower and eating my tea around 8pm. I watched a bit of tv until 10pm then read a book and am still up now with same book in hand and don’t feel tired at al, getting annoyed with myself that I can’t lie in anymore.
Just to be clear, I don’t consider this a bad thing as I have loads of awake time to enjoy life.
Edit; I also am prone to an afternoon nap