Stadium Thread - ALL Kirkby/Stadium Discussion Here

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I think it's time for KEIOC to put up or shut up. Sitting back and relying on the government to recognise this move as folly is not enough.
If we are not prepared to fight for this clubs future with proper protests - Banners at every home game and/or thousands refusing to leave the ground etc we may aswell pack it all in now and accept this move.
The lazy mans protest - Stern letters to the echo and venting our spleens over it on forums will NOT succeed.

C'mon Davek, organise the troops !
You yourself have said, and I agree, that this is the most important issue in our history so FFS lets do something radical.
I think it's time for KEIOC to put up or shut up. Sitting back and relying on the government to recognise this move as folly is not enough.
If we are not prepared to fight for this clubs future with proper protests - Banners at every home game and/or thousands refusing to leave the ground etc we may aswell pack it all in now and accept this move.
The lazy mans protest - Stern letters to the echo and venting our spleens over it on forums will NOT succeed.

C'mon Davek, organise the troops !
You yourself have said, and I agree, that this is the most important issue in our history so FFS lets do something radical.

Good post, mate. Unfortunately, like you say, this is the most important issue in the club's history. Despite the fact that a majority is now against the move, the club still lumbers on.

How about another poll, Daniel?

Just a straight question:

Are you for or against the proposed move to Kirkby?
Mate, I can't tell you that. It's up to the club to come up with proposals. The current proposal is wrong, so I'm just saying so. I have a preference, which is to redo the ground piece by piece. But if the club investigates other options that seem feasible and the location is agreeable, then I'm all for change.

There are options out there, which have all been dismissed by the club while it pursues its Kirkby "dream". If Kirkby goes tits up, something else will suddenly be deemed possible by the club. Plan B will come about. At the moment we're relying on an under0funded pressure group to do all the work regarding alternative sites. If the club took over from that group, progress almost certainly would be made.

I know you can't - I've lived here all my life and like everyone else, couldn't give a location that ticks all the boxes, or even a location that just ticks the box of being 'Inside Liverpool and big enough' - apart from Speke...

Lets not forget, the ground situation isn't new. The current proposal certainly isn't plan A - more like plan Y - and plan Z is to remain at Goodison which unfortunately isn't feasible.
I know you can't - I've lived here all my life and like everyone else, couldn't give a location that ticks all the boxes, or even a location that just ticks the box of being 'Inside Liverpool and big enough' - apart from Speke...

Lets not forget, the ground situation isn't new. The current proposal certainly isn't plan A - more like plan Y - and plan Z is to remain at Goodison which unfortunately isn't feasible.

Well other sources have commented that staying at GP is feasible. In any event, until the club commissions further research into this, the best we have is assertion and counter-assertion. Keioc do their best, but we can't expect them to be anything more than keen amateurs. The club, on the other hand, refuses to entertain any other vision.

Now that is very worrying in my view. It tells me that either we have leadership that lacks direction and is unable to meet a challenge, or we have a leadership that is seeking a move for more selfish reasons. I don't know which of the two is the worse to be honest.
Well other sources have commented that staying at GP is feasible. In any event, until the club commissions further research into this, the best we have is assertion and counter-assertion. Keioc do their best, but we can't expect them to be anything more than keen amateurs. The club, on the other hand, refuses to entertain any other vision.

You think remaining at Goodison is feasible?

The club refuses to entertain any other vision? - Clearly they have. Again, this isn't plan A - other avenues have been exhausted - This Kirkby proposal isnt even the first in Kirkby - remember the golf course site....

You currently have the Council leader still beating the drum of a shared stadium... That speaks volumes.

Time to face the reality, there are no viable locations. Thats why you, me, and everyone else can't provide one. The club can't pluck one out of thin air.

Now that is very worrying in my view. It tells me that either we have leadership that lacks direction and is unable to meet a challenge, or we have a leadership that is seeking a move for more selfish reasons. I don't know which of the two is the worse to be honest.

Again, your acting as if the ground situation is new.

Its not about the current regime being narrow minded. Dunford, Birch, Wyness, Elstone all agreed priority number one was a ground move. As did Peter Johnson... as would any new investor/owner.

What you seem to be saying, GOT, is that we should borrow all this money & move to Kirkby in the hope that the club might generate a small amount of extra profit - simply because the current Board can't come up with anything better. It seems to me a mistake is still a mistake, even if you think it's your only choice.
What you seem to be saying, GOT, is that we should borrow all this money & move to Kirkby in the hope that the club might generate a small amount of extra profit - simply because the current Board can't come up with anything better. It seems to me a mistake is still a mistake, even if you think it's your only choice.

And what do you suggest then? Remain at Goodison?
You think remaining at Goodison is feasible?

The club refuses to entertain any other vision? - Clearly they have. Again, this isn't plan A - other avenues have been exhausted - This Kirkby proposal isnt even the first in Kirkby - remember the golf course site....

You currently have the Council leader still beating the drum of a shared stadium... That speaks volumes.

Time to face the reality, there are no viable locations. Thats why you, me, and everyone else can't provide one. The club can't pluck one out of thin air.

Again, your acting as if the ground situation is new.

Its not about the current regime being narrow minded. Dunford, Birch, Wyness, Elstone all agreed priority number one was a ground move. As did Peter Johnson... as would any new investor/owner.

If you think that the best Everton can get is Kirkby, then you're selling your club so, so low. This isn't plan X, Y or Z. This is plan "let's sort something out now because it's all falling apart under our tenure". Do you really think that there are no directions available other than this? This is Bill's last throw of the dice, the act of a man that has run out of ideas. What would the club have done if Kirkby hadn't been offered to them? From the tone of your post, it seems like you think it would have curled up and died.
If you think that the best Everton can get is Kirkby, then you're selling your club so, so low. This isn't plan X, Y or Z.

Its closer to Z than A, thats for sure.

This is plan "let's sort something out now because it's all falling apart under our tenure".

Again, the ground move has been mooted long before Kenwright. Long before Elstone, Wyness, Birch and Dunford.

Do you really think that there are no directions available other than this? This is Bill's last throw of the dice, the act of a man that has run out of ideas.

Hang on, wasn't Kirkby plan A before? I thought the club had refused to explore other avenues?...

In terms of other directions. Theres remaining at Goodison, and moving ground. Its obvious a move is inevitable - so if there are other directions, lets hear them.

What would the club have done if Kirkby hadn't been offered to them? From the tone of your post, it seems like you think it would have curled up and died.

Or I don't have my head in the clouds thinking a billionaire Evertonian is waiting in the wings to build the San Siro smack bang in the centre of Liverpool city centre.
And what do you suggest then? Remain at Goodison?

As I don't run the club I'm not in a position to provide a solution to the issue - sadly, it seems those who do run the club are not in a much better position, based on this proposal.

What I suggest is that we don't make a huge, huge mistake by proceeding with this fiasco. If that means we remain at Goodison, for now, so be it.

I doubt any of us here can categorically say that Goodison Park can or can't be redeveloped, although we've all seen arguments both ways. Similarly, as regards possible alternative locations - we've all seen arguments for & against various proposals, but I doubt any of us can come to a categoric decision on them based on the amount of information available at the moment.

However, I guarantee you that if Kirkby does not proceed there will be some alternative proposal, even if there have to be changes at Board level before it happens.

As I don't run the club I'm not in a position to provide a solution to the issue - sadly, it seems those who do run the club are not in a much better position, based on this proposal.

What I suggest is that we don't make a huge, huge mistake by proceeding with this fiasco. If that means we remain at Goodison, for now, so be it.

I doubt any of us here can categorically say that Goodison Park can or can't be redeveloped, although we've all seen arguments both ways. Similarly, as regards possible alternative locations - we've all seen arguments for & against various proposals, but I doubt any of us can come to a categoric decision on them based on the amount of information available at the moment.

However, I guarantee you that if Kirkby does not proceed there will be some alternative proposal, even if there have to be changes at Board level before it happens.

Fair enough, reasonable enough answer.

Thing is though, how long can we remain at Goodison? A solution has to be found and quickly, otherwise we will literally be in Liverpools (stadiums) shadow.
Fair enough, reasonable enough answer.

Thing is though, how long can we remain at Goodison? A solution has to be found and quickly, otherwise we will literally be in Liverpools (stadiums) shadow.

"We don't care what the RS say"??

I don't know how long we can stay where we are or whether it's feasible to redevelop in stages at a pace driven by demand & affordability. Some say we could compensate for the obstructed views just be sticking a second tier on the Park End. There's lots of ideas floating around but the club are tied to the Kirkby proposal for now so all else is moot.

One thing that will benefit the club where we are now are any improvements to the local transport infrastructure necessitated by the RS stadium development.
I think it's time for KEIOC to put up or shut up. Sitting back and relying on the government to recognise this move as folly is not enough.
If we are not prepared to fight for this clubs future with proper protests - Banners at every home game and/or thousands refusing to leave the ground etc we may aswell pack it all in now and accept this move.
The lazy mans protest - Stern letters to the echo and venting our spleens over it on forums will NOT succeed.

C'mon Davek, organise the troops !
You yourself have said, and I agree, that this is the most important issue in our history so FFS lets do something radical.

Clarky, it's all done and dusted. The two boxers have gone back to the corner and now wait for the decision. The fight was during the ballot and the public inquiry. Failing a decision that throws this scheme out as it ought to if natural justice were to prevail, the only hope would be that disgruntled residents would resist CPO's, prolong the process and hope that it gets kicked into the long grass forever.

We have a boardroom - ably assisted by the local press, a commercial and political juggernaut like Tesco and the gullibility of some supporters - hell bent on creating a new football club in another area, because the one they intend to assemble in Kirkby wont be Everton FC as far as I'm concerned. Some of us did what we could. Now we wait.

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