i believe this is a metaphor for the darkside, there is always a weakness..
Or some veerry lazy scriptwriters.
If only! I'd be cheering in the aisles !!
I can't believe that someone who champions the Walking Dead is moaning about repeated storylines.
I can't believe that someone who champions the Walking Dead is moaning about repeated storylines.
I defo enjoyed it more the 2nd time I saw it. Too much Hope and expectation the first time round.I'll avoid spoilers (cause I can't put the spoiler tab on using my phone)....I enjoyed it, but wasn't blown away (after waiting 30 years it was impossible)....will go watch it again over the Christmas (with expectations at a more reasonable level) and I'll probably enjoy it more....
I think it's more a case of a) everyone wanted to see the return of X-Wings and Tie-Figthers. Does anyone really care if they get those and not Y-Wings/Tie-Bombers, b) it might make the film 'technically' better, but would actual have very little effect overall.I thought that was very odd too. Or more accurately, lazy on Abrams and Disney's part. Especially when there were moments where the aircraft they were deploying didn't make sense. You'd want Y-Wings to bomb the planetside oscillator, and TIE bombers to respond when you "call in an air strike." Both of those vehicles were in the original trilogy and covered in great detail in what I'd consider to be the "shallow" expanded universe, stuff made by Lucasfilms or LucasArts.
Glad someone else felt that.There was one part of the film that did feel massively like it was straight from a Red Dwarf episode! Ha ha
What someone else said rings true with my own thoughts:
I think this article is spot on. It doesn't dislike the film and neither did I. It's refreshing to see so many 'in camera' effects and that weighty feel of real film stock. I grew up with that. But as the author says, its basically a remake of A New Hope and after waiting 30 years i was looking forward to something a lot more original than watching roughly the same people destroy the Death Star for a 3rd time. It left me feeling a bit cheated. I thought it was lazy story writing. It's Episode 7 not Episode 4 version 2. I just wasn't expecting a remake. Think of all the other possibilities they could have explored with this depth of back story. The Universe was their Oyster!. No wonder they kept the plot firmly under wraps. It's amazing how the hype and euphoria has distracted everyone from what i think is the most important part of the film making process and the thing i was looking forward to the most.... An original story!.
I wonder how they're going to destroy the Starkiller Base in the next film? On the edge of my seat here.
im not convinced on the lazy aspect, i believe they honestly think this is the best route/story to go down...disney are chucking money at this, i doubt they employed the spotty intern from hollyoaks
Oh dear.Dan shot first.
Fixed it for you.
Just a glare merchant who frankly should be shot!!Oh yes, forgot it was bigger than the deathstar. Abrams, what a visionary huh?
I can't believe that someone who champions the Walking Dead is moaning about repeated storylines.
the star wars we once knew is dead lads, let's face it
it died a long long time ago
I think it's more a case of a) everyone wanted to see the return of X-Wings and Tie-Figthers. Does anyone really care if they get those and not Y-Wings/Tie-Bombers, b) it might make the film 'technically' better, but would actual have very little effect overall.