deconstructed rep
What did you make of it in the end?
hiya Clint, still haven't seen it yet, painfully trying to avoid even plot synopsis, not even seen the long trailers. My disturbing lack of faith has rescinded a bit as the feedback is sounding decent. What's your rating?
The plan is for me & the missus to go through all the previous 6 before we see the new one. So far only managed Star Wars & Empire, haven't seen them in 20 years but like most on here religiously-watched as a kid. Both still very strong 9/10's, fantastic setpieces, FX models still superior to CGI, perfect music, plenty goosepimps and excellent characterisation all round. Darth Vader's directness is extremely boss.
Return of the Jedi was always my favourite so really looking forward to that, then we'll struggle through the prequel trilogy, which I've only seen once, but hopefully they're not as bad as I remember.
The originals I've got are called "despecialized": fan-made versions which have the original cuts (no special-edition CGI bollocks, no cheesy extra dialogue) and also keep the HD-remastering. Massively recommended!