Where's Pienaar? OS says and unexpected ommission. Think that's the last we will see of him. The club have not said he is injured, so he's clearly on the way out.
think the mix up at the back will be to combat their long throws
anichebe coming in for bily is another one
Where's Pienaar? OS says and unexpected ommission. Think that's the last we will see of him. The club have not said he is injured, so he's clearly on the way out.
Picked up a knock "apparently"
Where's Pienaar? OS says and unexpected ommission. Think that's the last we will see of him. The club have not said he is injured, so he's clearly on the way out.
Where's Pienaar? OS says and unexpected ommission. Think that's the last we will see of him. The club have not said he is injured, so he's clearly on the way out.
Exactly. Yobo will likely play right back and leap all over the show.
Interesting from Moyes that.