I was thinking of this at the time and thankfully that's the way it worked out.The Kevin Brock moment we've been waiting for.
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Dad and lad.
Looks like that Hugh Fernley Whittingstall
@davek likes orange. Just saying.He most be on GOT
Could be any one of liguanas enemies
It took Over 40 minutes for someone to come and clean sick up on the stairs in the street end next to the disabled section . the stewards weren’t arsed other than one Black lad who tried to sort it. Most of them see it as getting paid to watch the gameThing with this, while there are people laughing about it, he never should of been able get that far, questions need to be asked
I did not expect this report today.Lad I grew up with, his sister in law got married at the river cottage. Night before the wedding she woke up and he was stood over her beating one off. She screamed, people ran into the room and he was reminded he’d been told about this before. They ended up getting the wedding for free as compensation and to not say anything