Stop oil

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Tried it at Wolves game just now.
Collared before the tie went on

Looks like televised games being targeted

They won't though.
Thousands of scientists and environmentalists have put forward valid and reasoned views on why the government should fulfil their climate change promises.
Some lad getting his 15 minutes of fame by disrupting a football match ain't doing diddlysquat.
If he believes it will, then fine . . . but all it's really done is made him feel better about himself. (maybe)

Their website will have had a lot more hits today, they'll have had an explosion of requests for interviews and they'll have generated a lot more publicity. Getting your message out there is the important thing as it will stick with a few people. Not the majority but a hell of a lot more than a nice polite leaflet campaign outside a tube station.

Their website will have had a lot more hits today, they'll have had an explosion of requests for interviews and they'll have generated a lot more publicity. Getting your message out there is the important thing as it will stick with a few people. Not the majority but a hell of a lot more than a nice polite leaflet campaign outside a tube station.
Oh sure it will get publicity, that's the whole idea of a publicity stunt after all.
I think that's slightly different from helping to "save up to 30,000 lives", which was the point I replied to.
He has already been in prison and doesn't care about going back there again if his actions can help save up to 30,000 lives due to fuel poverty.

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