You cant disagree with someone and your opening line be I've seen a bit of Diop but he has the attributes to a very good player. lol how do you know what attributes he has! I give up lol
I think most fans dont really care mate.
If we aint winning the title, does it really matter?
You need to lighten up a bit, Everton are really, really rubbish and have been for the last 30 years and its not going to change within the next 10 years at the very least. The sooner you accept that, the easier your life will become.
That doesnt mean you cant support the club, you can still go to Goodison every week, support the team and enjoy the wins, but having unrealistic expectations, thats when issues arise. So if we finish 7th or 16th, it honestly does not matter a jot. So for the sake of your sanity, stop crying like a lil bish and stop spreading your misery in every thread on the forum, cos quite frankly mate, nobody enjoys reading your constant breakdowns and quite honestly, 95% of the people on this forum find you a boring little ferret.
But thats probably why you started a new account.
Not at the world cup, how is that relevant. Either is Bale and you would have him in a flash.
Whose gone so far? Rooney + Mori + who else?
again im not worried by west ham themselves as they have two massive idiots in charge so half of what is reported probably wont pay off, but again it is pretty arrogant to suggest just because west ham signed them that they wont be good players
diop might well flop, but quite a few people on here wanted him as everton before he signed there ( and is he an upgrade on the shocking CB's we have atm? he most definitely is )
and wilshere is a gamble, no doubt... but wasn't Walcott a gamble given his injury record? and he came in and automatically become one of our top 3 players
Zaha is declared for Ivory Coast mateIf bale was English he would be tho wouldn’t he? Zaha is bolasie Mrk 2
The other day I was reading that we should be able to finish ahead of Chelsea cos they are in turmoil, Arsenal due to a new manager, Liverpool cos they lost their Assistant manager, which I found utterly amusing for the record.
Now we have to worry about West Ham, Leicester and Southampton? LOL
Im gonna let you all into a little secret, the main reason that the whole world watches our league and makes sure that we have billion pound broadcast deals is cos the league is the most competitive in the whole world.
There are no easy games and EVERYBODY can beat EVERYBODY.
The other day I was reading that we should be able to finish ahead of Chelsea cos they are in turmoil, Arsenal due to a new manager, Liverpool cos they lost their Assistant manager, which I found utterly amusing for the record.
Now we have to worry about West Ham, Leicester and Southampton? LOL
Im gonna let you all into a little secret, the main reason that the whole world watches our league and makes sure that we have billion pound broadcast deals is cos the league is the most competitive in the whole world.
There are no easy games and EVERYBODY can beat EVERYBODY.
I would say that is only Mori and Rooney out of the 38So these are the listed transfers out:
Ramiro Funes Mori - Villarreal, undisclosed
Jose Baxter - Oldham, free
Conor Grant - Plymouth, free
Calum Dyson - Plymouth, free
Wayne Rooney - DC United, free
Luke Garbutt - Oxford United, loan
Someoen help me out because Im lazy, is that 6 out of a first team of 38 gone or just Mori and Rooney?
So these are the listed transfers out:
Ramiro Funes Mori - Villarreal, undisclosed
Jose Baxter - Oldham, free
Conor Grant - Plymouth, free
Calum Dyson - Plymouth, free
Wayne Rooney - DC United, free
Luke Garbutt - Oxford United, loan
Someoen help me out because Im lazy, is that 6 out of a first team of 38 gone or just Mori and Rooney?
Fair enough mate, but a question for those who all moan about anyone who dares defend their stance - why do you bother to come on here? Serious question as all I see are the usual schoolyard names attacking other Blues for posting certain opinons - why come on an Everton discussion forum then? Surely you expect to come across difference of views like you would sat in GP or in any boozer up and down our city on matchday.
I cant speak for others so if there are those that post to purposely wind fans up then fair enough they should be pulled up, however for me its simple If the club does something positive I'll post my positive thoughts regarding it likewise if the club are taking the pee I'll post my feelings on it. If people dont like it or disagree why not actually either 1. Debate it or 2. Press the ignore button? Instead they act like toddlers and through insults, accuse said poster of being a kopite/ex banned members and purposely try discredit said person.
Quite frankly I would rather read posts that are genuine and from genuine fans than from clowns who go round posting nothing but gash to look cool infront of their online buddies like the back slapping yokells you came across in the playground as a kid.