Good morning mein frandels and welcome to the introduction of the Weasel Index for the summer of 2018.
A small tribute to
@Sapie88 - without him, we are short a few Weasel pictures.
If you are new to , welcome, make yourself at home, and why not learn about the origins of the Index here :
Over the last few days, the rumbles under the turf have become louder. Was it Marcel Brands and his smart-casual jackets that stirred them? Was it the bloodletting on the Finch Farm lawn led by hatchet-lady-in-chief Denise filtering down into the warrens (is this right, do Weasels live in warrens?) ?
We do not know.
But last night, this happened.
It even has MASSIVE BREAKING NEWS in huge capitals. The Weasels are back.
We are therefore compelled to begin our - and I say our, because it is a Weasel Hunter Collective, in this Fourth Era of Frandliness - Weasel Index for the Summer.
I for one am expecting lots of OUTs, and perhaps not a lot of INs.
Please remember the standard Weasel Marking technique:
- Spot a majestic / disgusting example of utter Transfer Weaseling
- Write '@orly' as a reply
- Await the Index marking and then public listing the following week
There is nothing worse than missing a weasel in the wild. The Weasel Hunter Collective is remarkably efficient, but if even one gets away, they may breed uncontrollably, leading to infestation. Therefore may I also suggest that you tag in fellow Index enthusiast
@CairnsToffee too when tagging your weasel spot?
@CairnsToffee was always the ideal candidate for Assistant Index Curator.
Pot calling the kettle etc....
The weasel index..... the absolute pits of boredom!
Probably doesn't give a fart about it like most people...
Dangers in the Weasel Habitat:
The Ferrets
Ferrets are not to be confused with Weasels. These individuals will deliberately seek to be Indexed with utterly manufactured rumours designed solely to dilute the scientific credibility of the Index. When in doubt, tag them, but with caution. Curator discretion will then be exercised.
The Elk
The Elk is a hideous roaming creature that lurks on the edges of the habitat, obsessed with numbers and living in 'pods' with other invertebrates. It has (unsuccessfully) tried to have the funding for the Index taken away and keeps trying to reintroduce the 'Lickspittle Weasel'
Genus Lickspittlus Myersa variant back into the breeding pool . If seen, crush immediately.
External factors
There are certainly examples of the Weasel on other social media platforms. However the Index will not be recording these, and we ask that individuals are not pursued for their rumours. We know there are serial offenders, but until they emerge from a hole in the lawn, they do not count.
@themole10 award for Excellent Transfer ITKness
The above is a mole. It also lives in a hole.
The Mole List is for examples of excellent Transfer Weaseling, for those who deliver, like
@Joey66 , or
@marnie , or
@Pabbers . They tell you WHO, or WHEN, and sometimes even HOW AND WHY a transfer will happen, and then it happens.
We are blind, and because of these moles, we can see the truth - the Transfer Truth.
These moles will be listed weekly too.
The Kristian Walsh Award for Transfer Writings
A new award has been prepared for this summer window.
I hearby declare that the Index this summer will have a Kristian Walsh award for the Weasel who nicks their rumours from other sites.
Direct lifting of a rumour from elsewhere, with the crime evidenced, will invoke a Kristian Walsh award.
Happy Hunting mein frandelinos.