Go Team Cheese on Toast!
You see the selling of a training facility and then leasing it back each year a progression? The facility itself is an upgrade, but the club is at the whim of the local authority owners in terms of what it wants to do with that land.Some of that's very good. More like what we need in that informs of the issues instead of having a pop or just Kenwright out, or telling people to look it up.. It is however, a bit weird they went down a.. what appears to be calling Evertonians racist.. route.
Some of its a lot more grey than they make out as well.. The falling through of Kings dock is a lot less Kenwrights fault than many would admit, and it ignores the fact we progressed massively since he was in charge and now have leased training facilities far beyond anything we could of afforded outright if we didn't sell.
But it is good, and better than the second plane that flew over which was just a (not very) cheap shot.
Can't wait for the thank you plane banner for " John Houlding "
Maybe we should wait for next May or August to organise plane banners to block out the sun when we are playing. It's always bad trying to watch the game when the sun is in your eyes.
You see the selling of a training facility and then leasing it back each year a progression? The facility itself is an upgrade, but the club is at the whim of the local authority owners in terms of what it wants to do with that land.
Also, KD was defo down to Kenwright. It was a personal decision to retain control of the club rather than involve the people Gregg had lined up to deliver the finances and stadium. That was his call. If he'd assented we would have had a KD stadium right now and very probably new owners with deeper pockets than Kenwright et al. It was as great an act of vandalism against Everton's future as there's been.
But how much is that a merit for Kenwright? The club's training grounds at Bellefield and Netherton were archaic and needed to be upgraded. Kenwright's been here as the largest shareholder and vice chairman/chairman for 16 years. The upgrade at FF merely coincided with that tenure. As for not being able to afford it: that's what the Bear Stearns securitisation deal was taken out for - to pay for a training complex. They did that then sold it off to the private sector who then sold it to the council.I see the quality of our youth players coming through because of our new facilities, and the fact players have talked about FF when they first come to consider joining us suggests its quality. We couldn't afford it otherwise, so yes, as much as its annoying that we can only pay for it at certain times should we want to, and it will cost us a lot over 25 years, its a big step up from where we were.... Which is positive.
Some of that's very good. More like what we need in that informs of the issues instead of having a pop or just Kenwright out, or telling people to look it up.. It is however, a bit weird they went down a.. what appears to be calling Evertonians racist.. route.
Some of its a lot more grey than they make out as well.. The falling through of Kings dock is a lot less Kenwrights fault than many would admit, and it ignores the fact we progressed massively since he was in charge and now have leased training facilities far beyond anything we could of afforded outright if we didn't sell.
But it is good, and better than the second plane that flew over which was just a (not very) cheap shot.
Yes we can.All a bit Britain First, that. We can do better.