Give it a rest will you, you're talking utter nonsense. I'm quite happy to entertain any point of view if they have some evidence to back it up, but you've produced nothing to back up your prejudice. Indeed, when facts have been produced to counter your willful ignorance, you go quiet for a bit until the dust has settled and you feel able to crawl back out again.
I'm equally sure that my migrant other half is dead chuffed to be going to work in the NHS alongside thousands of other migrant colleagues and have to treat ungrateful bastards like you every day. Of her unit, I'd estimate about 20% of staff are UK nationals, but I'm sure they'll be glad to know they can trim a bit of their workload by not bothering with any waste of space that puts UKIP on their ballot paper.
You'll no doubt trot out something suggesting that people like her are perfectly welcome here, but let me tell you, from the horses mouth, she certainly doesn't feel it right now, and neither do many of her migrant friends and acquaintances, all of whom are contributing fully to this country.