What an arrogant and patronising comment to make. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking your "logic" has been rather lacking at times.
You maintain a pretense of being above party politics and point scoring and adopt a 'yearning' for intelligent debate and yet on the last two pages alone you've offered a rsther dismissive "I'm sure" and [on the subject of televised debate] "These things are generally a waste of time anyway." It was hilarious, by the way, that you reached for the "studies show that they have little effect" line of attack. Who'd have expected that one, eh?
The irony is that whilst you bleat on about the level of debate, you yourself are becoming less and less credible on this thread.
During the Scottish referendum campaign there were plenty of people said, 'I listened to such and such and have now changed my mind'. Sorry this can't be sourced, from an academic journal or 'reputed' academic, (or someone that knows about supermarket warehouses), the only authoritative sources to use, but was from watching TV and talking to people in Coatbridge. I wonder if damaged tellies are a sign that TV debates have an 'effect' on people? Ah but, that never appears in Paul's Proper Real Science Journal so can't have happened.
Observing the world around one (I just love using that word, makes one sound so Sloan Square), and engaging in it with people, is a very powerful way to gain an understanding of the world and how people are getting on in their lives. Equally, listening to people when they talk about what politicians are saying and doing, highlights what effects their policies are having. It is not surprising that Brand is getting an audience. The general feeling I get from people is that 'all politicians' are crap, out to line their own pockets and do in those that work for a living. Sorry I can't source this from a 'reputed' academic journal. But they never asked Ms. Jones, about how she feels about foodbanks, the bedroom tax or the home her mother is in, that is closing down. Sometimes, peoples raw anger just screams out. I used to find that a lot when I taught. Parents would not feel any compulsion to hold back with their views about politicians.
Those that sit in their lofty towers often miss what is going on in the real world. And can certainly never fathom why people don't bow down to their 'superior' intellect.
I would always give an A*, or sticker, when a student would come out with the gem, 'I'm quoting people that have studied stuff'. Oh dear. 'Try explaining it in your own words' I would tactfully say. 'But, Jeff Fridge said this and that'. 'Yes, but what does it mean, try explaining, rather than rely on the words of others'. 'But he has studied monkeys behaviour, so must know about the NHS'.
Always did love the way some people would use the 'quoting people than have studied stuff' as if it was supposed to be the grand finale of all wisdom. A show stopper. A slam dunk. But it generally shows a lack of understanding of the subject being discussed.
Now I wonder where that 'studied stuff' is on TTIP and how it will effect the NHS.
Clint try not to let some people get to you. From an arrogant and patronising person that just loves random newspaper articles..