Ok, well maybe you can educate me then, you know because you obviously have a balanced and impartial view on all things politics and just so I'm not humiliated again - Labours, (Miliband and Balls'), economic strategy and plans will have no bearing on you or the people in the constituency you live?
It just seems at odds when you criticise Cameron and Osbourne's economic strategy ad nauseam, yet seem to dismiss Miliband and Balls strategy, (that are unknown), as not relevant to you?
It's clear I don't understand how parliament works, I mean I'm voting for the candidate local to me who I think will do the best job and clearly don't understand how economic policies work? Are there any other constituencies in the UK that are not effected by government spending cuts and economic policies?
Let the education commence !
My criticism of Davey and Gideon is that they are persecuting the poor.
My local economy is driven primarily by 2 industries. Nuclear and tourism.
Tourism is great in one respect in that it brings money into the local economy. On the other hand it attracts 2nd home and holiday home ownership and prices many locals out of the market. Rents are high because available property is scarce. The cost of living here is comparable to London when you consider average earnings against house prices and even worse when you consider retail prices. If you'd like more insight into how housing here is a mega issue and what I'm personally doing about it please go back a fair no. of pages.
The Tories have already announced they will be undoing all the progress we've made in regards to working for local people on this issue.
Nuclear is the single biggest employer in the vicinity. The further economy depends on it. Schools, transport, and all other essential services are dependent on it. Not to mention the construction industry, engineering and manufacturing.
Supporting the Greens you will know about 2 of the most significant nuclear developments on the horizon in this country. One will provide power for 6 million homes. The other is one of the most controversial nuclear developments in the world. Economically, it's good for my area and consequently the nation. The other centres on disposal. I trust our Labour candidate to represent the people of this area in the matter, to hear our concerns and ensure the delivery of both schemes is in our interests and those of the nation. If you could enlighten these boards with the Green stance on these 2 projects, I will be able to advise how the stance of the Green candidate compares.
I firmly believe that the people of this country drive the economy. Not the politicians. They're there to intervene when there are imbalances. Democracy also works from the ground up. Individuals shape towns, shape regions, shape the nation, shape continents, shape the world.
As a party who will not lead us out of Europe Labour's economic plan will be far more certain than any party that might or will.
All your disussion until very recently has been national (and possibly international) politics. A general election is not just about these levels. People have the democratic right to vote on single issues should they choose - a bit like the Green support of yesteryear.