Ed Miliband: this is a clash of values, not a clash of nations
Labour leader tells the Guardian that David Cameron’s focus on Scotland during the campaign is distracting voters from the bigger issue of inequality in the UK

Labour leader Ed Miliband. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian
Ed Miliband has sought to redefine the election debate as a clash between competing political values rather than a Tory-driven battle between England and Scotland, in a combative interview six days before the polls open.
Speaking to the Guardian ahead of the closest election in a generation, the Labour leader attacked
David Cameron for being reduced to arguing that “the key question facing the country is a battle of resources between London and Scotland”.
Labour leader added: “I have been clear I am not going to have a coalition or a deal with the Scottish National party, but the real battle is not a choice between two nations, as Cameron pretends, but between two sets of values – is the country run by an elite of the most rich and powerful or is it run for working people?”
Cameron used to say the three letters that mattered to him most were NHS … in this campaign they've been replaced by SNP
He criticised his Conservative opponent for concentrating on Labour’s possible post-election relationship with the SNP, and said that as a result Cameron “has entirely withdrawn from the central issues facing the country” such as the economy, immigration and the NHS.
Miliband accused his political opponents of adopting prodigious tactics in their attempts to defeat him: “It is an extraordinary collapse for what was once the Conservative and Unionist party to have been reduced to this desperation in a bid to distract voters from the big choices they face over the next five years.
“Cameron used to say the three letters that mattered to him most were NHS. Well, in this election campaign they have been replaced by SNP.”
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