in memoriam - 1965-2024
Lads this thread has existed amicably so far, let's not act daft now.
Indeed. Seconded.
Lads this thread has existed amicably so far, let's not act daft now.
Lads this thread has existed amicably so far, let's not act daft now.
I'm afraid it is not.Your home made bread is rubbish lad.
It's an interesting thought that the value of a life can depend upon nationality....
A noticeable difference between the average Labour supporter and the average Tory is the willingness to criticise their own party when they see it fall short of expectations (which is interesting, given the widely-held but misleading belief that The Left toes the party line whereas The Right are buccaneering individualists). Bliar wouldn't have got any stick at all from the party if he'd been a Tory. As it was, he was vilified by much of his party.
Incidentally, the notion that a Conservative PM wouldn't have gleefully followed Bush into Afghanistan and Iraq like a faithful doggie is completely laughable.
So, what's you point?
As somebody who throws out racial slurs to make a cheap point and loves using petty insults towards other posters i'll bow to your expertise in that area.
I suppose if Liverpool is connected directly, and if it's built north to south.Is anyone on here a supporter of HS2?
Is anyone on here a supporter of HS2?
Is anyone on here a supporter of HS2?
We're electing a government for the United Kingdom which is a global power and causes damage or good all over the world. If you don't take that into account then that's simply naive.
It's getting tedious for everyone, mate. You're original point was flawed, as was pointed out, and you've not done yourself any favours with your attitude since. You're better than this, surely.
Of course I take it into account and I expect many people do. But, just because people on this thread are greatly concerned about social injustice in this country, that doesn't instantly equate to valuing British lives above foreign lives. And yet you have suggested that this is the case and you have asked for evidence to the contrary. I don't see why anyone on here should have to dig out such evidence to prove they're not some sort of racist or whatever you would call them - you've done nothing to prove your point.
Spot on that.
You only have to look at how Thatcher is still viewed by the Tories even after it came out she knew about peadophile's in her cabinet and giving the ok to Cyril Smiths knighthood.
They still adore her.
Nah not really. Nice idea if we had a massive surplus but that cash could be used to better the transport we have, and it needs it.