I am flabbergasted that not more people are considering this very simple question.
I get why yous are all screaming for a clear out but there’s absolutely no chance of it happening on the scale you want for multiple reasons, chief of which being:
- We can’t make the number of buys we’d need to, to replace the vast numbers leaving the squad
- The above question. If the players have been SO bad for a team like ours, who will take them that could a) afford them and b) realistically expect the player(s) to improve their team(s)?
My main moan is usually with Gomes, so let’s use him as the example: Brought in as your typical, decent player who just took a step too far up - In theory another, more expensive Arteta, Pienaar, etc. Should have offered us some midfield guile or, at worst, our money back. He has been so disastrous (and please spare me the “since the injury” nonsense - he was poo before) that there’s no chance of us getting much, if anything by way of a fee for him and lack of options means he’s still hanging around our first XI like a bad smell.
If he was a one-off you might excuse the club deciding to take the hit on a fee and binning him to save wages, but there’s comfortably 5-10 others that we’d probably have to do the same with and the club just can’t swallow that.
As much as we all want a clear out, we aren’t getting one. The guff will leave when their contracts expire and we’ll recruit (hopefully much better) over the same period.