Another part of the equation you should use to judge the manager is the more abstract one of time afforded in the job. He's had a decade without looking over his shoulder fearing he'll be sacked - unlike other managers - and that has to be factored into how well he's done building a team and style of play.
He's been hamstrung financially (relative to the clubs we're looking to catch) but blessed in that less tangible way.
Yeah, i've said before about how you cannot fairly compare Moyes and the job he's done here in his 10 years to other managers who haven't worked in the same situations at the same club with the same restraints for the same timespan.
There are so many variables which can determine how well a manager does other than purely how good he is.
If Moyes tookover in 2002 that season we finished 15th but not a lot he could do about that so i'll start from his first full season.
2003 : 7th
2004 : 17th
2005 : 4th
2006 : 11th
2007 : 7th
Over 5 years thats an average finish of 9th.
Compare that to the previous 5 seasons :
2002 : 15th
2001 : 16th
2000 : 13th
1999 : 14th
1998 : 17th
Over 5 years thats an average finish of 15th.
Of course after his first 5 years he then steadied us even higher than 9th with several consectutive top 6 finishes, no doubt that he has done a good job here considering where we were and how much he's had to spend.
But it just goes to show how important it is to allow a manager time to actually do his job.
If he'd of been sacked after the 17th and 11th placed finishes we could all be talking about David Moyes in the same breathe as every other manager who never achieved what Moyes has done because they were sacked before being given the full chance to do so. Yes Moyes is the only 1 to get a 4th place finish out of them though.
How many other managers have managed 1 team in the Premier league for 5 years at least? How did they do in those 5 years and how have they done if given longer than 5 years?
Mkae no mistake, being given the opportunity to actually do his job has allowed Moyes to prove he was good at it.